Good or bad?

I had a nice accident. I checked my bg, was 95. My mom was supposed to be home in ten minutes, so i bolused for dinner… she was about an hour late, so my BG crashed, and then when i checked after eating (about an hour and a half cause i felt weird) i was 165… i swear, i bout had a stroke!! I usually don’t freak out when i see something like that. I usually find it okay, but since i’ve been running so good lately, i saw that and just kinda freaked for a second.

I'm not sure if that just come with the territory, or if i'm becoming OCD :/

I think it comes with the territory. I’ve been running around 70-120 so when I found myself at 259 this morning, I flipped. I think after a while the highs don’t panic you as much, you just get that kind- “Really?!” attitude.

Maybe the better your control, the more the highs and lows worry or scare you. Sounds like you are doing a great job.

Thanks, just making sure i’m not loosing my mind…

I remember when 160 would be good. That was like 1 year ago. Times have been changing a lot here lately. Haha.

Yeah 165 used to be awesome for me. Now I get worried around 150 and prepping a correction bolus unless I just ate and its rising slowly. Then I just give the insulin time to do its thing. So I think as long as you dont hit 180 then your doing good (esp just 1.5 hr post meal) Plus, what did you eat? That has a lot to do with how the meal affects you. If you ate a meal higher in proteins and fats then that makes sense. Also, has/did it come down again or did you have to correct? I sometimes see that if I miscount my intake. Happens to the best of us sometimes.