What in the hell was I thinking when I decided to go eat at a pizza buffet today? I started my meal off with 10 units of insulin and then dove into the pizza like a shark in a feeding frenzie. I finally came up for air after I was totally stuffed. It felt really good to do this since I haven't in such a long time and then the guilt set in about I shouldn't have done this. Then the 2 hour after meal bg check; I am already in the mid 200's. I then give myself another 5 units to try and bring it down. Check again still in the 200's and give myself another three units and crank up my basal rate to 200%. Still running in the 200's later and gave myself another 2.5 units and finally after 7 hours I am now back in the normal range.
I wonder what makes me do crazy things like this?
Is it the taste of the food or is it I am self destructive?
I have a really hard time eating like I should after pulling a stunt like this.
A bump in the road, albeit a large one. As has been said before, tomorrow is another day. Don't beat yourself up, just move on. Bet it was good though :)
Well, I think there are some underlying issues that you may not want or be ready to admit to. How is this different from someone or cuts/slashes their wrists for attention. Start respecting your body as the gift that it is and these behaviours will be a distant memory. By the way, I too ride unicycle but don't have one that that is extended like yours. That is very cool! Just my thoughts.
This happens more frequent than I want to admit. It seems every year after the holidays I go through this. I don't do this for the attention because I mostly eat alone.
For the last couple of weeks I have been waking up with my BG's in the 200 to 300 range. I keep telling myself I need to stop doing this but I keep doing this anyway. Starting off every morning doing correction bolus is getting old.
I think some of the problem is that I am still somewhat in the denial stage and angry. I few months ago when I would eat like this and I wouldn't test because I didn't want to know. If it's not on the meter it didn't really happen attitude.
Today is a new day and I am going to do better today.