I am on day seven of a semi-fast with only Green juice made from kale, spinach, pasley, celery, cucumber, green apple and lemon. I have never felt better since starting juicing about a year ago. Off all anti-inflammatory meds...even after over a dozen surgeries! I am juice fasting and allowing me fruit, veggie, nut and seeds but no dairy, meat an nothing with any flour, sugar etc... I have so far lost 8lbs in 6 days and feeling great. I have lowered my insulin a LOT and have very good blood sugars so far. Curious if there are other type 1's trying the same? It has been a huge blessing for me. Getting the fiber and proteins and good fats from Chia seeds in lemon water. I will keep you posted. Cheers from Oregon!
Can you give more details on how you are doing this plus recipes and portions? Thanks
Good job. Green Juice does a body good!
Another source of good fat is coconut oil which you can blend into your smoothies. An anti-inflammatory, too.
Lorrie,I could write a book on my journey...so I will have to try to summarize and I don't always make my juice the same. I don't have time today to write as I get my eyes dilated for a retinal exam soon so I will get back to you. Thank you Don... I do LOVE coconut oil and use it regularly. I am not making smoothies much during my juice fast but love it for cooking, smoothies and even for my skin and hair! Hope you all have a good day!
Nutritionally this is very close to orthodox Paleolithic nutrition. Do you take fish oils(omega 3)?
It’s amazing the change inside the body when you start putting good stuff in.
Lorrie...I am not sure what you mean by "How you are doing this"...If you speaking of what kind of juicer; I use a masticating juice that doesn't oxide the food which helps keep the nutrients and helps allow the juice to be stored longer. If you talking blood sugars and insulin; expect to lower your long acting in about half or more and reduces it also for short acting. I am lucky to wear a CGM to see my BG every 5 minutes. I juice approx. 1 whole stalk of celery, 1 cucumber, 1 handful of parsley, 5 hand fulls of spinach, several kale leaves, 1 lemon, 1 apple and I add about 1/2tsp of himalayan salt for the minerals and a touch of stevia to sweeten. I am starting day 10...down 10lbs also today. DaveR; the Chia seeds are an amazing source of Omega 3's plus they have the bonus of slowing down the glycemic index in carbs consumed. I do still take a supplement of omega3 also though. Feeling amazing energy and sleeping well. My craving for any carbs is virtually gone. Hope this can help someone. Also; the best news yet...my eye appointment showed a complete healing of a retinal cyst in the macula...he said my eyes look amazing for 33 years of t1dm and amazing com paired to my retinal OCT scan a year before when I was not juicing or eating as well. THRILLED!! Drink your greens everyone :) Cheers
I haven't done juice fasting, but I did go whole-foods, plant-based (WFPB) about a couple of years ago and it improved my overall health immensely.