My CGM sensors have not been working for a week now. I think I got a bad box, because after talking with Minimed, they seem to think my transmitter is still working okay. They’re sending replacement sensors that should be here in a couple days.
Couple that with the fact that I’m pretty sure my period is starting soon, and you have my blood sugar being completely and utterly disgusting.
I don’t know how to be a diabetic without the CGM anymore. I have used it constantly for over a year and am completely dependent on it. I can feel my lows, but more often than not I don’t notice I’m high until over 200… and by this time I need about a million units of insulin to bring me back down.
Which pisses me off because I can’t think of taking a bunch of extra insulin without feeling like I’m just injecting myself with a bunch of fat.
For the past three mornings I’ve woken up at 175. Which is STUPID, and I’m pretty sure can be blamed on my oncoming period. I don’t know why else it would be like this when nothing else has changed … except me not being able to rely on my CGM.
To make matters worse I have my endo appointment tomorrow afternoon. I should have canceled it, because I feel horrible about my BGs lately and about my weight. I feel like I’m incapable of losing more weight.
Over the last year and change I lost somewhere over 50lbs (most of it before this summer). Though I feel like I’ve gained 10 of them back in the last few weeks, because for me not being perfect in every way means gaining weight.
I hate it. I exercise 5 days a week. Not little bitty exercise either. And I eat better than a lot of people I know. I’m not perfect. I eat out socially with co-workers, family and friends on occasion. Try and not be too bad at restaurants. But it’s very far from perfect.
I’m hypothroid and take synthroid. Just had my levels checked in the fall and they were fine.
So why am I still destined to be the same god-awful weight forever? And I’m not talking about goofy little girl crap about obsessing over a number. I genuinely need to lose about 40-50 more pounds. I’m not even trying to be skinny. I do enjoy food, therefore I do not think this is reasonable.
But when I started out trying to lose weight, I truly thought I would be able just exercise and watch my eating moderately and be able to lose weight to a size I’m happy with (all I’m asking for is a size 10/12…maybe an 8; I’m size 16 now). I didn’t think I would have to be perfect with eating and be constantly tortured by it, just to end up a size 40 pounds heavier than I hated myself for in high school.
I look at everyone else around me and they eat so much worse and don’t exercise hardly at all and are perfectly sized.
I don’t understand this. I blame diabetes and think I take too much insulin. I blame my thyroid and my body being a flaming idiot in general.
I don’t want to go into my endo appointment tomorrow the same or perhaps 2lbs lighter than October and hear them tell me I’m doing good. At the way I’ve been killing myself, 2lbs is crap.
I don’t want to get my A1c back at 6 something and hear “that’s great!” It’s not great, I’ve been over 200, probably 250 at least once a day for the past I don’t know how long, with ridiculous lows (bolus-rage!) to match… and my daily total use of insulin is currently 10units higher than normal.
If I were at my appointment right now and they said either one of these things to me, I know I would embarrass myself and burst out crying in the damn nursing station.
I hate my period and what it does to me a whole 1/4 of the damn month. One fourth! That’s absurdity right there. The second it starts though, I will be fine and look back at this post thinking “what an idiot!” Until next month, anyway…