i'm new to the site, and i thought i'd introduce myself. i'm chelsea, 19, type one for 13 years now. my diabirthday is 10/16/98, just 2 weeks before my 6th birthday.
i like to think it was easier being diagnosed so young, because i can't remember what it's like to not be diabetic, so i don't really have a chance to miss it.
i honestly think my mom takes it worse than i do. i've just come to accept it, but i know she always wanted a "normal" life for me, just like any mother would. she told me recently that on my diabirthday, she would prefer to sleep the whole day away like it never happened. it breaks my heart to think about.
luckily, i have a very VERY supportive family, and even more supportive friends. so, if you need some support with this disease, feel free to contact me. i don't come on here often, but i do have words of advice for teenagers especially struggling with this.
Much older than you when I was diagnosed & my mother's the same. She spent the first year coming up with theory after theory of why it happened. In many ways, diabetes is harder on the people who love us. They worry, they often feel helpless & scared. Whenever my husband gets that look, it makes me feel guilty & deeply sad.
Welcome chelsea. All in here will listen to you and will be supportive (Don't forget to add humor to all your "med stuff" - humor - the best medicine).