This is my first blog entry on this site. I have been a diabetic for 10 years now, since i was 9, i would consider my self a semi-casual diabetic never letting myself get bogged down by my diabetes, but on the otherhand never letting it go out of control. I have been a “pumper” for almost a year now and can honestly say it was the best decision i ever made. The pump has transformed my life, My control was as near to perfect as possible before i went on the pump but it was very time consuming and, at times, frustrating. I decided to change to a pump more for a change than anything, and thanks to the Irish Government providing grants for pumps it wasn’t long before i was pumping away. I’ll admit the first few weeks were tough, havng to learn a whole host of new things like carb counting and getting used to wearing the pump 24/7. But, the hard work paid off and life’s been great living with the pump.
I could go on for pages talking about my experiences but it’s getting late, so i’ll report back later,
Thanks everybody,