Here comes World Diabetes Day! What will YOU be doing?

November 14th every year is World Diabetes Day, and people are having events to celebrate it all over the world!! What are your plans for WDD this year?

Diabetes Hands Foundation and DASH Camps together have created a list of 14 things to do on World Diabetes Day, which we are going to hand out at a gathering in Berkeley, CA on November 14th. This list includes things like “wear blue” and “do a Big Blue Test”, and you can use it, too! Here’s a version of the list you can print out and give to your family, friends, co-workers, classmates… so they can easily celebrate the day with us!

If you work, live or socialize with young people, you can have them color in the World Diabetes Day symbol and tell them why this day is important. Here’s a printable WDD symbol and a bit of info about it you can use!

If you know of any WOrld Diabetes Day events happening near you, please share them in our events section and use the tag “WDD” so others in our community may know about them as well :slight_smile:

I will be at the Joslin Center in Boston, participating in the DO IT program. Certainly a MY World Diabetes Day for me--and a move to better person with diabetes.

That's fantastic, Spock!!

Either an appointment with my GP here in Salmon Arm OR if I can cancel then Hubby and I to the Kelowna Canadian Diabetes Association ( 1 1/2 hour drive ) to join office staff and volunteers at 10:30 with a community walk and then a lunch plus displays etc. This is being hosted by the Ki Low na Friendship Society.
Will wear BLUE in either case ...Hubby will put up blue lights too .

GP's appointment changed and we will drive to Kelowna and join other CDA Staff and Volunteers

We'll be wearing blue all day, blowing up blue balloons and putting them in the windows.
A perfect day to put up our tree and decorate it with mainly blue decorations. I'll also be lighting the blue WDD candle that I bought at the Dr. F. Banting Museum while in London, Ontario. Also I'll put a blue bulb in our outside light again, if I can find the bulb. I will be making blue sugar free jello to throw at someone. :D I'll also be on Tud doing the BBT as usual, of course.

I know every year buildings in the city light up blue. The past few years I've always wanted to go take photos of them, but I'm never organized enough to do so. This year I'm not working tomorrow (although that's partly because I'm sick ...) so I might see if I can go take some photos to post on the Flickr WDD group and Facebook! I will probably try and come up with some sort of blog post to publish as well.

I am really looking forward to this event - right here!

this is going to be fun, aBigBlueTest living room dance party!

It is World Diabetes Day here and and I am wearing blue. I have exercised and eaten a sensible breakfast, am cooking cauliflower and leek woup for lunch. Would add blue colouring, but I tend to think I would find it hard to eat.

My alert dog, Freddie (named after Fred Banting), and I made an early-morning pilgrimage to our city's biggest blue-lit building. I blogged about Dr. Banting, his dog Marjorie, Freddie, and our morning excursion here:

C'mon over and check it out! :)

The Big Blue Day is here! WOOT!

I'll be part of the group doing a Big Blue Test livingroom workout at 1pm PST. The DHF staff is gathering online with Ginger Vieira and Scott Johnson. It'll be broadcast from TuD. Hope you can join us!