Hi ladies,
My C-section went off without a hitch and we welcomed Joshua Robert Gellerstein to the world on Thursday, November 3rd at 9:45am. At birth he weighed 8lbs 6oz and was 19 3/4 inches long. I kept my pump on for the surgery which was not the original plan, but worked out quite well. My BG was 120 prior to surgery but adrenaline increased it throughout the day so by bed time I was hovering around 200. Since being home and breastfeeding, my numbers have been fantastic (without really trying). Below find the link for the blog my husband and I started during my pregnancy to track my growing belly. We added pictures from the birth as well.
Being in the hospital for 4 days was not so fun! The post-partum unit in the hospital was pretty awful (especially the food!) but I was able to come home on Sunday afternoon. Both Joshua and I went in to see our doctors today for check-ups and we are both doing well!
All the best to everyone.