Here is a fix to run Dexcom Studio with Windows 8

Yeah, it should work fine with Windows XP.

That's what I had to resort to before Fabian's awesome fix (when my Windows 7 machine died and I had to get Windows 8), I managed to get it running on a super old laptop running XP.
It was slow and painful, but worked!

At least if you have any trouble, Dexcom Tech support should be able to help you.

Thank you so much!!!! It worked right away. Have you tried to sell this to Dexcom? I can't understand why they wouldn't buy it from you...

Hi Fabian

I was having lots of issue using VMware and Win 7 - now moved to Parallels, as other have G4 working with this. Only problem I have is I ran your tool before to see if it would help on VMware but now need to uninstall the update to see if I can get the G4 to work with Parallels - is there a simple way to uninstall your fix ?

Do you know if this fix also works on Windows 8.1? I need to buy a new laptop and it's my understanding that windows 8.1 is much improved over windows 8

Yes - this fix works with Windows 8.1 as well (I am using Windows 8.1 on all my machines).

But I don't think that you need this fix anymore. Dexcom announced that the new version of Dexcom Studio works with Windows 8 (and 8.1) now without any hacks or workarounds. So as long as you install the newest version of Dexcom Studio you should be good.

Best regards,

Thanks. I understand that windows 8.1 is much better than 8.

Here is the link:

Hi Fabian,

I read your offer ...... great idea .....

Sorry would be much easier for me to write in my home language which is german.

So a great problem, which is detected by myself 2 times now!!!!!

The DEXCOM studio software itself lost meter-data ...... of about 1 week...... in january this year AND Dexcom are not able to fix it! (So I've seen the detailed records are IN the file .... but I think with wrong identical code to know for the software for showing it at the monitor or printouts.... [available are insulin and calibration data for the same date....]).

So today, last printout and monitor-picture was with all data until april 28th .... I transferred the actual data from the G4 with the original Dexcom-software to the systems-data-file ....AND .... AGAIN LOST DATA for 9 days!!!!

I had a hard job to test it in several different ways and now I know .... their software is wrong when using it under WINDOWS 7.

With same data ..... for a time from august 2013 until today .... with WINDOWS XP ..... all data I can see on monitor and all printouts!

My distributor in GERMANY cannot help me..... and this problem they gave the information to DEXCOM USA .... but nothing happens.

So one more problem with the software is ..... when I use it on my netbook with 11" monitor .... I cannot see all data of the page, the lower part (with date and time and more) is missing and no scroll-bar to manage this. I think same great problem will be for users with a tablet ..... by running with windows-system?

>Sorry would be much easier for me to write in my home language which is german.
Nur zu! - ich bin selbst Deutscher und lebe mittlerweile auch wieder in Deutschland...

Leider kann ich Dir bei dem Problem, dass Du beschrieben hast, nicht wirklich weiterhelfen. Ich arbeite nicht für Dexom und habe somit keine Möglichkeit, die Dexcom Software zu verändern (oder einzusehen).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Is there any chance you have (or know of) a Windows 8.1 work-around for the CoPilot software used with the Omnipod?
Better yet, a way to merge the data from my Omnipod PDM AND my Dexcom???

I highly admire Technogeek-PWD's! Even though I am somewhat computer savvy, I lack such awesome skills.

SueSue the only way I'm aware that you can combine Omnipod and Dexcom is with Diasend. I use it and its very good. I emailed Diasend, told them my hospital uses their clinic version and after about a month they replied with a years licence. I also have a Combo and sadly in the UK only the PDM works with Diasend, so far not the pump.

I am in USA. Not sure Diasend will see that as a barrier due to FDA regs. Do US clinics & hospitals use it too? That could be my work around as I am an RN w/ a few connections.