Hey Everyone! We've a new Forum! Let's lose some jiggly together!

Hi All, this looks like cool fun! I wanted to lose some weight slow and hopefully easy by taking it in tiny steps with encouraging each other. No matter what our individual goals are; I know we can do it!
Manny has set it up for us!
Let’s tight the jiggly spots of our bodies and encourage each other when we lose the battle for a meal.
Let’s step up and say “It’s OK to fall down; now get back up and try again.” ( just like learning to ride a bike or type a letter when we hit the wrong keys. LOL!That is what the backspace key is for.)
I’ll look forward to meeting you!

Yes MedowLark I just noticed that Manny had set up the new group! Yeah I joined I really need to lose this extra bulk I added in the last few months. I love your attitude! You seem very motivated and can get us others to do it too!

CAn you believe that I´m trying to GAIN weight!!!

Hi Doris and Pablo:)
We can do this! One step at at time. Doris we’ll lose weight and Yes, Pablo: we’ll watch you gain some of what we lose:D Welcome!
We’ll become one mean,good looking fighting machine!

I have lost 40 pounds and I have another 28 pounds to go.

Hi Travis:)
Welcome! I’ll look forward to losing weight with you:)
I’ve gone from a size 3X to size 16 (almost 300 pounds down to floating between 185/180.) and want to lose about 30 more pounds. Right now, it’s a struggle! I know this last 30 is not coming off as easy as the first 30 did! That is why I’m glad to see a chance to make friends and do this together. The more support we have for every little ounce or inch will help us get closer to our goals.
I know this wont make me any “less” diabetic." It will just help me to manage my numbers and my health much better.
Choose a goal; make sure that it is a small one that you can attain in a reasonable amount of time for “you.” Remember, we may fall off our “wagon” but we can climb back on without losing any honor.
Here we can pick each other up no matter what. Unconditional support! Awesome huh?
Let’s do this!

Pablo- I will gladly give you the 50 I need to lose!