Hi:) My name is MeadowLark and I want to get rid of 30 pounds a little at a time.
I’m a mom of 7; with 6 at home. I’m the crazy one that homeschools too!
I’ve not yet been officially diagnosed as diabetic. Only gestative diabetic.( insurance trouble) ( that 11.5 pound baby boy is almost 3 now!) I was told to come back when I was finished nursing to learn how to control the diabetes if my numbers didn’t go down and stay down between 60 - 90. Well, long story short my numbers never settle there unless I eat a veggie/fruit only diet.
So, I consider myself diabetic as my numbers range from
fasting 125 - 195 depending on the night before when I cheat on whatever. My daily numbers for lunch and dinner range anywhere from 75 to 200. Again depending if I cheat and eat what I know I shouldn’t.
So that is how I came to understand that I am diabetic. and definitely not in great control.
I’m looking forward to meeting you and losing a small part of you as you will lose a small part of me. We will become
a healthier weight and in better control one minute at a time!
Hi, I’m Glenda. My grandmother was type 1, I guess. She took 2 shots a day, if I remember correctly. She had 6 daughters and 3 son. Out of those, at least 4 of the daughters and 2 of the sons have developed type 2. My mother being one of them, was diagnosed in January of this year. She started out with her blood sugar levels over 400. I believe it was like 435, or something like that, but she is doing so good. She keeps a tight check on it and watches what she eats, and walks anywhere from 30 minutes - 90 minutes a day in 30 minute increments…Usually an hour a day. She’s lost about 25 lbs and keeps her numbers anywhere from appr. 80-120 . Somewhere in there…She takes Actos.
I don’t have diabetes, my blood sugar has always checked out wonderful, but I do have symptoms: I have neuropathy in both feet, I have excessive thirst at night. If I get up to go to the bathroom during the night, I am so dry, I have to have water…and when I wake up in the morning, I am so very thirsty. My wounds in recent years take longer than they used to , to heal and others… I have been told that I am probably pre-diabetic.
I am trying to learn all that I can and make the appropriate changes.
Hi: I’m Travis. I live in South East Georgia (U.S.). I was diagnosed with Type 2 in 5/06. So far I have lost 40 pounds. My strategy has been to lose weight slowly, by reducing the size of my meals, cutting back on fatty foods, watching my carbs, not drinking anything that contains sugar, etc. I still have 28 pounds to go to get to my goal. I look forward to learning more from this group.
Hi Glenda: Your symptom of excessive thirst reminds me of the same symptom I had just beore being diagnosed with Type 2. Take care.
Hi everyone! My name is Connie and I was diagnosed with type 2 in Feb of 2007. I have lost about 20 lbs since then but need to loose about 100 more! My readings are averaging between 150-160 daily, with spikes a couple of times a week over 200. I take metforum twice a day and use regular insulin on a sliding scale over 200. I have learned SO MUCH about diabetes online! It’s amazing. I did the diabetes education classes over the past 2 weeks and I was surprised that I knew just about everything they said from reading… I look forward to sharing with you all in our downward spiral of weight loss!!! I love trying new recipes, and print them from dlife and also subscribe to diabetic living and diabetic cooking, which have some great ones.
take care everyone!
Hi MedowLark’
I’m Doris. I want to lose the weight that I have built up in the last month here at home. I have 2 daughters and one granddaughter. My oldest is a type 1 like me and she is the mother of my 1st granddaughter more to come I’m sure! I have had diabetes since I was 10 amd like you am not in the best control of it. My 2 girls are perfict but one was born missing her left hand and my 2nd is just fine (so far) she will graduate next year and my oldset graduated in 2006. She is now a CNA. Yes I’m very proun of her and her sister! Then again I’m really proud of my granddaughter! Life is suppost to begain at 40 but I think it passed me by! HA! I could stand to lose about 20 pounds if the Gods agree with me!
Hi, I am Angela and have been struggling with weight all of my adult life. When I was pregnant with my son I had gestational diabetes (which I think was prediabetes and I didn’t know it) and it has never gone away. When my son was diagnosed with type 1 in March (now I live with a DH and a DS), I knew I had better get things checked out. I was up in the middle of the night having to pee, thirsty all the time and my toes hurt and my hands felt asleep so I knew what it was.
The doctor asked me if I wanted to live for my son… I do. I just hate losing weight. I do well for a little while and then put it back on. I have done every diet and never seem to get anywhere. I joined Curves last November, but since my son’s diagnosis I find it hard to get in to exercise. I have lost 20 pounds since I joined, but I need to lose 35 more. I am hoping this will be a help.
My doctor recommended the GI diet. I like using it. The writer says he stays on it about 80% of the time. I had some success and was actually down 5 more pounds but lost my motivation again.
My 35th birthday is tomorrow so I am going to weight myself on August 4th and start with you all (I need to be able to have ice cream cake tomorrow
I find that I need to weigh myself every morning when I get up to be successful, then I notice if the pounds are starting to creep up again. Problem is, I stop getting on when I get tired of eating right!
Thanks for all your help already. I want so much to have energy and good health for my little boy!