High Blood Sugar During Pregnancy

Hi, I am currently 4 weeks pregnant with T1 Diabetes which I have had for 23 years. I am on an insulin pump and CGM. I have been experiencing some high sugars throughout the day (150-200) and more high's after meals. I am very early in pregnancy and had a healthy daughter 1.5 years ago. My high risk doctor and endo are getting me in great control, it is just taking some time. I am positive that all will be ok, but very nervous since we have not gotten an US yet. I had a site issue the other day as I took a bolus for lunch and the pump said no delivery which made my sugars go into the 300's, I changed my site and took manual bolus' to bring it down. It took a few hours though. Any thoughts?

My bg was low in the beginning of my last pregnancy (I too have a 1.5 year old) but this pregnancy has been very different. My numbers were high in the beginning of this pregnancy and my a1c was 9.7 (ouch). Obviously this wasn't a planned pregnancy for me to conceive with an a1c that high. I got on a pump when I was about 8 weeks pregnant and I'm 20 weeks pregnancy now with an a1c of 5.4. The pump has helped me tremendously but my endo is constantly making adjustments and I'm also on high potency u500 insulin. I think we finally have things under control. Pregnancy is so unpredictable though,,,,

Thanks for your reply and congrats on your toddler and pregnancy! Yes, I have been noticing a lot too and my last pregnancy I had really good control. I am really early, so my endo is consistently making changes as well. I just get scared from the things I research about having high's (200-300's), but I don't have them always it is once in a while. That is awesome you are on a pump, I have had one for about 12 years now and I really like it. It is so unpredictable and with the right doctors all will workout. Good luck to you!

I’m in the same boat! 4 weeks today and going through the very same thing. Not much advice I can give but I rage bolus like a crazy woman to get my post meal bg down

I had some highs in the very early days of pregnancy. My lows did not start until about week 9.

My son was born perfectly healthy :-)