High/low Blood Sugars = Personality changes?

So I've had problems making my parents understand that when my blood sugars all messed up, it changes my personality. I usually get mean. My friends and even my older brother understand and tolerate me when this happens, but my parents just dont get it. Ive tried explaining it to them multiple times, but they just wont listen. They seem to think I can control this.

Has anyone else had this problem?

All of my bad behavior has happened when I'm extremely low. If you are grumpy as a result of high blood glucose, correct for it and remind yourself that this is what happens to you and try to hold back. If you're high, it's not impossible. If you're extremely low that is a different issue entirely. That bad behavior can be impossible to control. You can exercise a certain amount of control over these things. Check frequently. Having diabetes isn't carte blanche to go off like a canon.

I get pretty cranky both when I'm low and when I'm high. These days, almost more when I'm high b/c it is more of a chore to fix it? Or perhaps hypoglycemic unawareness, as I no longer seem to sweat and stare into the distance but still feel a perceptible 'buzz'? People are used to it. My wife has suggested that instead of asking 'do you need something to eat?' when I'm low, it works better to get something tasty to eat out and set it nearby and the munchies will take over? After 25+ years, it still is kind of rankling when my mom goes 'don't you want a sandwich or something GOOD?' although I know that she means well?

I forgot to mention that I'm also hypo unaware...So its not like I know when I'm having a high or low. I have an alert dog, but I don't always pay attention to her. I need to work on that...

Ive just realized something....usually somebody says something to spark the personality change. Like one time when I was spending the day with my cousins and some friends. My bg was constantly up and down. My cousin Krista said something that set me off. So I was kind of mean to her (sorry Krista). But on the other hand, my friend Bee Jae never said anything that would irritate me, so I was never mean to her.

And I think 9 times out of 10, its either my mom or dad that says something that triggers the personality change.

I have a 12 year old and pretty much can't say anything to her without torquing her off so is that part of it?

I get that. I typically don't bring out the b*tc# until someone says something that just flips my switch. I am also hypo unaware. The answer to that is: pay attention to your alert dog, first. Test, test, test, second. You can regain the hypo symptoms if you manage to stay out of a bad low for a couple of weeks. When it first happened to me I was shocked. Of course it was the power sweat kind. With hypo unawareness you need to work a little harder at the management so you don't end up brassing off your parents. Some of this may also be your teen rebellion, I'm old now but I was a teenager a couple of centuries ago and I remember thinking my mom didn't know what she was talking about. Let me warn you, one of these days, when you're much older, you will hear something you heard your parents say come out of your mouth before you even know it. I was shocked. I always told myself I'd never do that. But really, that wet towel does NOT belong on the couch!

When my BS gets high I can become very angry very fast sometimes to the point of being destructive. So I make sure I keep a close watch on my atittude when my family and I eat out. When my BS is low my hands tremble and I get very sleepy even while driving. I pay very close attention to how my BS is.

I have had diabetes for 5 yrs now and my parents are just finding this out. It takes tme for other people to recognize the signs of your highs and lows. I to am hypo unaware, but lately have been so high and my family kept asking what was wrong with me.I went to dr. and they put me on insulin, after 3 days of treatment my mom says my whole mood changed and I am very different person. It took her a long time to finally get it, and it was shocking to her at the difference it made. she gets it now.Highs make me me moody and tired. Hope all gets better for you soon.

SF Pete- Your comment about being a teenager a few centuries ago made my day! :)

and yeah I guess a bit of it could be teen rebellion...

Ditto about the parents bit lol

I get very mean when I'm high and can't think when I'm low.

I have not gone low enough to trigger any mood swings.

As I'm not on meds my body has been trying to keep me above 100 constantly.

But I now know I was very easy to tick off when running high, and now I can feel it I actually get hot, a bit sleepy and just like an angry old bear ya better not poke me.

I now know the best thing I can do is drink a massive amount of water and go for a very fast paced walk.

I don't like myself when I'm mean and short with others.

I've never met anyone diabetic who has not had this particular and specific problem at some level.

I can beat this one though, how about the ~chuckleheads~ who honestly believe LOWS should never happen,,, "...if we are truly doing what we "supposed" to..."

<Truly evil look>

Real world diabetes... not the childhood fairytale version...


You could offer your parents one unit of rapid insulin. This will give them a quick trip from 100 to 70 mg/dl and it will feel like hell. Actually some of the diabetic nurses and certified diabetes educators I know did that. I do not mean that seriously though. It can be dangerous because healthy people are not used to rapid changes of their blood glucose. The stress might have serious consequences like a heart attack or stroke from undetected preconditions etc. But at least the pure thought is a pleasure. On the other hand with that much respect of lows your parents would go on your nerves for sure. Who wants two diabetic police cops at home?

The funny thing is my dad is actually hypoglycemic, so he really does know how a blood sugar low feels. And he gets every bit as crabby as I do. But somehow he’s much less understanding when it my blood sugar that’s messed up and not his… -_-

I finally got it through to my mom like 10 years before she passed (she will be gone 9 years on January 7th) As for my dad who passed in August??? He NEVER had a clue. I tend to tell you WHERE to go How to get there and WHAT your going to do when I get low bs’s LOL! Just try again hon. Maybe they can attach on to it one day (I’ve been a Type 1 for 37 years and my dad STILL didn’t get it! LOL! My mom? Well she took time to get it too. Just know YOUR right and taking care of it, Shez Parents sometimes huh?)

When I'm either high or low, I don't get mean, I just get VERY stupid. I don't notice the regular soda that's right in front of me. I don't recognize people, and I don't remember what they tell me. But somehow, I do retain my awareness that I'm having a low, even if it means I go far and wide searching for something to treat it (remember the soda in front of me?).

I also get insulin-resistant when I'm high, so while 1 unit may lower me 50 mg/dl at near normal levels, it takes a lot more than that when I'm over 300 (rarely, thank goodness!). I tend to be afraid to correct enough, and so I'm high more than I want to be.

It's surely very hard for your parents to understand because they only see you from the outside and don't know what's happening inside. Maybe you can talk to them quietly and seriously when your BGs are NOT wacky. It's hard living at home when you're not a small child any more, but the most important thing is to keep the lines of communication open.

my kids recognize the symptoms of both low and high.....but especially low. i get really short tempered and magically fast acting carbs appear....lol

im sorry they aren't understanding:hug

Mood change is my first clue I am going low. Something small will make me explode or I notice the guy driving the speed limit just really pissed me off (I’m not a speed demon but tend to do 5 - 10 over),