Hip Hip Hooray - Eyes OK

On a much-needed and much-appreciated positive note, I had my annual diabetes eye exam today and the ophthalmologist said everything was fine and to see him again in one year.


I always stress out about this exam (all the drops and poking and prodding) so it's a huge relief that my eyes are not showing any diabetes-related damage. I do get the blurries as my sugars go up and down, but if I keep semi-normal and level-ish, no worries. Whew.

Yay!!!! :) I'm so happy for your good report Jean! I always have to remind myself to breathe during my eye exams...it stresses me out so bad. At least at the eye doc we get immediate feedback though. Waiting for test results is the absolute worst.

Great news Jean, congratulations!

Yeah! Congrats! It is always such a relief.

Thanks, y'all. I long for a day when diabetes-related eye problems are a thing of the past...but in the meantime, I'll take a good check-up with glee.

That's a big win! I'm glad for you!

Yay...good news.