You probably don’t know it but I have two other blogs besides this one. The other two blogs are about diabetes (becasue I have diabetes along with plenty of other family members) and my mother’s fibromyalgia. One is hosted at my invisible diability community which is an awesome site to network with others who suffer from chronic pain, fibromyalgia and other “invisible” illnesses. The other one is hosted on wordpress which is my blog about life in Kansas City with diabetes. I usually blog about something different on each one of the blogs but today they are all going to be the same. I have joined a community of wonderful women called Diabetes Sisters. They are all about supporting and uplifting women who have diabetes. They are based in Raleigh, NC and are having the first annual Diabetes Sisters Day of Action on Sept. 20th. Anyway, there is a thing on the website that says “if you want to have one of these wonderful events in your city contact us”. And me being me I requested to hold one in Kansas City, and they were all for it. So I have found a place, set a date and I’m off and running. It’s so exciting! I’m really holding my own event for diabetes. Now I have to send out the press release and start passing out fliers. Here I go again jumping in head first. Wish me luck and blessings!