I have been using glimp since July last year when my daughter is diagnosed with T1D. I use dropbox to backup my glimp data, which has her BG level per minute.
So I download the data from dropbox, which is an CSV file and plot the daily chart of her BG to share with our endo.
It has served me well, but I am still looking for ways to automate the charting process, as it is pretty tedious.
Hi, I just started sending data to Dropbox. Is there a chart that shows what the data attributes are? I hate to guess, some are obvious, other data values are not obvious. I looked at glimp help, nothing. Do you know?
I used Glimp some time ago and that was the only option for exporting the raw data. I am assuming it is still the same. The files are named weirdly (the developers are in Italy and I remember even their general instructions in English were not particularly idiomatic), but it all happens automatically once you set it up.
Sorry, somehow I missed all the exchanges in this thread other than the original question.
My guess is similar to @GK1’s suggestions above, although in the old files I just looked at again there is no obvious column for “high” or device number. These might have been added in the current app version.
But basically my approach was to just ignore a whole lot of what the app captured (I have a review of my experience somewhere around the discussions here) and use the record of the actual measurements only. What exactly are you trying to “de-code”?
Hi GK1 - Here is what I think the columns are. First, its not a CSV file like the filetype might lead you to believe. Its a .TXT file, semicolon delimited. I have to rename it and then open it from Excel and tell it the file is semicolon delimited. Anyway: 1) Unknown 1 - The first attribute in my file is always a 5. Don’t know what that is; 2) Date/Time - Format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS. I have a wicked complex formula to convert this to something I can do math with. 3) Manual Entry Location - If you enter a finger stick, this is the location it comes from; 4) Nothingness - This column has nothing in it, in my file; 5) Raw Data - I think this is the raw number from the FSL sensor; 6) Calibrated Data - I think this is the adjusted number from Glimp; 7) Unknown - I only have one value in one row - a 4 in the latest record. All other records have a null in this attribute; 8) Not certain - This has one of the following values in my file:
0 = Manual stick
3 = Not sure
5 = Not sure 9) Serial Number of sensor unit of unit or finger if manual stick reading;
I haven’t found a correlation between the 3 or 5 value in that second to last number.
That’s really useful, I some how assumed that the two columns of readings, are the high reading in column 5 and low reading in column 6 because my column 6 is always higher and I thought it is the highest reading in the one minute interval. I think your interpretation is more correct. But as my glimp reading is always higher than my libre reading, I think it’s possible that row5 is the calibrated reading while row6 is the raw data from Libre.
What do you think?
Version: 5 (that explain why it is always a 5)
• Date in string format
• Date in milliseconds (number)
• Place
• Weight
• uncalibrated blood glucose in mg/DL
• Blood glucose calibrated in mg/DL
• Trend (number)
• Measurement type
• Measuring Zone
• Unit
• Insulin
• bled
• Injection Area
• Notes
I think the trend describes which way the arrows go
The possible trend values are:
• NONE 0 undefined (does not print the arrow)
• DOUBLE_UP 1 Double Up Arrow
• SINGLE_UP 2 Up Arrow
• FORTYFIVE_UP 3-arrow to 45 degrees on
• Flat 4 Flat Arrow
• FORTYFIVE_DOWN 5 arrow at 45 degrees Jun
• SINGLE_DOWN 6 down arrow
• DOUBLE_DOWN 7 Double Down Arrow
• NOT_COMPUTABLE 8 Not calculable (does not print the arrow)
• RATE_OUT_OF_RANGE 9 Off-scale value (does not print the arrow)