How close do you keep the PDM?

With the integration of Dexcom CGM and Omnipod looking to happen sooner rather than later I've been thinking about what that means regarding the PDM. I keep mine near me in a lunch box with supplies and snacks. When I am home, the bag is somewhere in the house; usually the kitchen regardless of where I am. When I go out I often leave the bag in my car if it is not too hot.

If the PDM is going to take the place of the Dexcom receiver, that means I will have to keep the PDM on me at all times so it can pick up the signal from the transmitter. It seems like the PDM is not as sturdy as the receiver, especially the screen.

So that said, does anyone keep their PDM on them all the time? Does it hold up OK? Where do you keep it? I currently keep the Dexcom receiver in a pocket, but I question if I could do the same with the PDM without it breaking.

Thanks everyone,


From my understanding, the pod is self operating. It has two small batteries in it to keep giving you your basal. The only time you should need your PDM is when you are having a meal or giving yourself a bolus.

I keep my PDM in my locker at work and bring it out to test my BG and when I’m ready to eat. When I give myself a bolus I have to keep the PDM within 3 feet of my pod. Sometimes the signal will get lost if I have the PDM on the wrong side of my body and I have to move it around closer to the pod.

I went to Walmart and bought a small pack of those clear self sticking sheets that are used to protect the iphone. They sell them where the cell phone accessories are. They don’t use adhesive, they just self stick, and protect the screen from scratches and work great.

This is exactly why I’m not as excited about the Dex/Omni integration as I thought I would be. My son keeps his PDM in a bag that he takes with him wherever he goes, but it’s definitely not within 5 feet all the time. Especially at home, or when he’s playing outside. And I don’t see convincing him to switch the PDM for the Dex receiver. Oh well, we’ll see what happens when they finally actually release it.

I agree that the roundness and depth of the DexCom receiver makes it more tolerable to carry around on one’s person than the PDM. Plus, I feel like I need to have the skin on the PDM for protection which adds to its bulk.

I echo Natasha - I hope when it comes out, these things have been considered and there’s a nifty belt clip or something to make carrying it around more appealing. Integration is nice, but attaching the PDM to you feels like a step backwards.

I agree with all of you, especially Lorraine’s comment re: attaching the PDM to you. The Dexcom receiver slips in and out of my pocket very nicely. I can’t imagine having to ‘tote’ the PDM in my jeans pocket as well. Right now I have a “sports case” for my Dexcom that has an all around zipper on it. It serves me well because I only use the zipper when I am recharging the receiver overnight. It will be an annoyance to have to carry something so bulky as the PDM in my pocket.

I ordered the hard side omnipod belt clip case and it works pretty good. It resembles an ipod case. The first thing I had to do was put some heavy duty jell type glue on the clip so it wouldn’t come off the case, but so far it has been a neat carrying case.

I keep my PDM in the kitchen when I am in the house. My house is all on one level. I keep it in my tennis bag when I am playing tennis…
I carry it around in my purse when I am out and about.
The only time I keep it very near is when I bolus…
I love that I am not attached to anything!
I don’t think I would use the Dexcom/PDM even though it would probably be a good thing.

I have been thinking a lot about this as a Navigator wearer. It’s part of why I was excited that they will eventually (?) integrate. I don’t have to my Nav near me at all - I can have the receiver in any room of the house and it will still pick up my transmitter. So that integration makes sense. I don’t want to wear the PDM or the CGMS on my person if I don’t have to! I can see it being an issue with the Dex integration. I hope Insulet offers better case and clip options so that wearing the PDM is more feasible.

So it looks like most of us don’t keep our PDMs on us (except Spooky who has a REALLY good reason to keep hers near by). I don’t think I’ll start carrying a bag like Spooky. Maybe I could go 80s retro and get a fanny pack. That would really make me an embarassment to my kids; could be fun - just kidding.

It also looks like most of us aren’t all that confident that the PDM can stand up to the daily abuse of having it on ourselves all the time like the Dexcom receiver.

Thanks for your input. I’m wondering if integration with Dexcom is going to be a bust. It looks like it might be OK with the Navigator because the receiver doesn’t have to be as close.


Brad is referring to the continuous glucose monitoring values as they will be sent from the pod to the PDM every few minutes. He’s afraid that if the PDM isn’t close enough it won’t be able to retrive those readings.

Check with Insulet, but I’m assuming the pod software will store the readings that the PDM did not retrieve for not being around and the PDM will retry getting those values later when they eventually establish communication.

That’s the way I would write that software anyways. :slight_smile:

Ex- Insulet Software Engineering Team Member

Currently readings are not stored in the transmitter so they can be sent to the Dexcom receiver later when communictions are re-established. The transmitter is much smaller than a pod (about 1-1/4" x 1/2" x 3/8") so there’s probably not room to store more than a few minutes’ values.


I actually do keep my PDM on me most of the time. I have a small pouch that I attach to my belt loops with a caribeener like clip. The only times I don’t do this are when I’m not wearing pants with belt loops. Then I’ll either carry it in my backpack, which is rarely more than 5 feet from me except when I’m at home or in a purse (see above). I was really upset when I got my dex receiver that it wouldn’t fit in the same pouch as my PDM but it’s been ok in my pocket. The PDM and the dex receiver are really about the same size, the shape may make the PDM a bit more awkward but it won’t take up any more room in your pocket than the receiver.

Brad- "It also looks like most of us aren’t all that confident that the PDM can stand up to the daily abuse of having it on ourselves all the time like the Dexcom receiver."
I also have the concern that the PDM wont stand up to the abuse as Dexcom receivers; my dex receiver has the dust under the screen that others talk about and the back is peeling; who knows what would happen if i wore my PDM all the time…

Gil- you mention the Pods storing readings??? I could be wrong, but really do not imagine this happening; they would have to make iDex pods (where the dex transmitter transmitted to the pod and then to the PDM) and regular pods… although that would cut out the factor of having to have the PDM on our bodies…

Brad- "It also looks like most of us aren’t all that confident that the PDM can stand up to the daily abuse of having it on ourselves all the time like the Dexcom receiver."
but also remember that the MM CMG transmitter stores 40 minutes of data (i believe), and it is not too much bigger than the dexcom transmitter

I keep my PDM in my left pants pocket most of the time. It gets beat up over time, but it’s still usable. That said, I just got a replacement due to issues of it not coming on and having to be reset. I put an iphone screen protector on the new one because the old one had developed a crack in the screen.

Yes, you’re right. It would require the Dex transmitter to send the data to the pod and then the pod would relay it to the PDM.

The other option would be for the Dex transmitter to store the data. I’m surprised it doesn’t do that. I worked on the MiniMed Guardian RT CGMS and we did that, as you mentioned.

I guess people will have to choose the product that fits their needs the best. Need to keep the PDM on them, or not… etc.

Ex- Insulet Omnipod Engineering Team Member
Ex- MiniMed Guardian RT CGMS Engineering Team Member

I have modified my PDM skin to include a clip that will slip over the waist - see the Omnipod photos section. I also have the screen covered with a clear plastic film screen protector.