My Dexcom needs a beeper!

Does anyone know if they make homing devices? :0 Just spent 15 minutes looking for that darn receiver, couldn’t remember
where I laid it down! Usually keep in my purse or a pocket but when at
home I don’t always have a pocket. I’m terrified I’m going to loose the
darn thing. I need a little sensor to put on the receiver with another
remote like a key fob, when you press the button, it beeps so you can
find it!

Its frustrating…isnt it? I feel the same way about my omnipod pdm as well! I keep them both in a little fanny pack type thing that I got free from AARP. It is always around my waste.

I suggested this to my area rep and she nodded. End of customer feedback.

When I tried out a CGM in the clinic way back before they were cleared for patient use, they were wired in just like a pump. So when I got my first CGM a few years ago I was kind of surprised to see it was wireless. My first thought was that I was definitely going to lose the thing if I didn’t have it attached to me.

They make key finder things that could be adapted to use for a Dex receiver but I wonder how you’re supposed to keep track of the remote thingy…?

Exactly. Maybe something that hangs on a door knob or refrigerator handle.

I guess from having the MM always hooked onto me, I’m used to having things attached, or keep track of. I use the clip on the case, and as far as my PDM goes for my OmniPod, I keep that in one place in my kitchen, always. At bedtime, I put the receiver on the windowsill at the head of my bed.

Does the Omnipod PDM have to remain within a certain distance of you? That seems to be what’s causing the problem, has to stay within 5 ft. and I have to carry it around with me wherever I go! I don’t clip it to me, too irritating.

There is a feature to have the RECEIVER alarm if it looses signal. This may be good during the day - deactivate at bedtime.

I think this might work!! :slight_smile:

Omnipod PDM needs to be within 2’ to give bolus, or make any changes.

looking more closely at the link I posted, this thing is really cool. You could get any combination of them and they signal each other… I could put one on my keys, one on Dex, and another in my purse… I’d never lose anything again!

I wonder if someplace like Bed, Bath & Beyond carries this?

You don’t have to carry it around at all times, like the Dexcom though. Just need it for changes, like peruvianpasohi said. I just started with the Dex and that (as well as sleeping to a lesser degree) is the hardest part for me. I keep forgetting to carry it when I walk around the house, etc. I wear a lot of skirts and dresses, which don’t have pockets. Someone suggested putting it in a garter belt, which I thought was awesome and funny! I might try to get one of those key finders too - good suggestion. I will likely lose it sometime!

I’ve seen similar versions at places like that…Usually these systems have multiple beepers but only one remote…

I am very “anal”. Everything in it’s place, averything has a place. “My manufacturing background” If it is not my pocket it is in it’s place.
Just me!!!