How do you carry the PDM and accessories?

Thanks for the info—and from a fellow Cheesehead!! Yeah…good to see someone else out of hibernation in WI. I did see those and they might just be the ticket for a “Man Bag” Like the smallness of it and I think I can get some of the extra items I need…bought a Nintendo DS case but that didn’t work couldn’t get strips in with the pdm… when I got home with it.
Best thing I’ve found !

I use my Myabetic case. It’s a bit big and bulky, but it’s all I need to grab and go since it’s a wallet and case in one. :slight_smile:

I’m using the same Case Logic ($9.00 at Wal-Mart) camera case that you have. I have a larger bag with a shoulder strap that has a multiple day load-out. The small camera case rides in the top of the bag. The larger bag carries spare PODS, insulin, test strips, spare meter, spare glucose, Calories King book, etc., but when I want to pack light I just wear the small case on my belt. The small case holds the PDM, glucose tablets, lancet device, test strips and spare batteries and lancets. Should I have a POD failure (which is extremely rare), I must return to my larger bag. When I’m on the road, I put a freezer pack in the large bag to keep things cool.

I use a smallish Pelican waterproof, lined hardshell case with my PDM, landing device, strips, hand wipes, Symlin pen and needle cartridges, and my Freestyle Navigator receiver. In the case that came with my Omnipod kit, I put my spare pod, insulin, and various wipes. Maybe it’s overkill, but I hate to think of having to replace these pricey gadgets…

Hi Rachel…which program do you use for your blackberry to look up carbs. I have a smartphone and looking for a program to do that also.

OMG!! My son has the exact same cary case!!! He carries…glucotabs on the bottom pdm and lancet. When he is at school he has extra pods at the nurse and when he is at home he has them in the cupbord. when we go anywhere that is more than 1 hr away we carry the case that comes w/the omnipod w/ 1 or 2 changes of pods/insulin and the unisolve wipes/ skin tac wipes and the percision extra meter w/ back up strips for bg and strips for blood keytones. Mostly when we go anywhwere else…I am w/him and I have all the extra stuff in my purse. I usually have snacks too in my purse…the glucogon and a tube of glucose gel. None of you mentioned the glucogon. I am aftraid to not have one nearby. He has one at the nurse, home and in my purse. If he goes somewhere w/out me I make him bring gel. too.

Oh yes…batteries fit on the bottom too.