How do you get G6 data to Diasend?

I am comfortable with the process of Animas pump, ping meter, other meters, & getting that data uploaded to Diasend international.
G6 operational last night, live & tracking.
I have a Dexcom account with PERMISSION granted to DIASEND.
I have the G6 Transmitter s/n defined on the Diasend profile as one of my ( Glucose Meters and CGM Devices). ( should it be some other component s/n?).
The collecting G6 data does not appear on the Diasend site.
What am I missing?
How does the Dexcom site, send MY data, to Diasend International with no Diasend UserID info?
Any assistance greatly appreciated.

Although I have never used Diasend, all of the other upload apps that I have want the S/N of the pump or receiver that is actually uploading the data. I believe that information is included in the “header” of any upload file.

But I may be completely wrong …


Thankyou for that reminder. In the excited joy of new tech, new accounts, new userId’s, I had forgotten that I had done that “Connected Apps” on Diasend site, and and provided the Dexcom login ID info.
What I was expecting to see, but did not see, were the BG readings (from Dexcom), populate the Diasend site, ( aka like automatically adding the data from my glucometer). I don’t see that data.
My CDE advised that I have to upload the data, via the Diasend uploader app, USB connection to the t:slim pump, and it populates with BG, bolus, and basal rates.
I confess, it was not quite what I expected, but manageable.
CDE also advised I should be using the Dexcom Clarity app.

I am not sure of the reason but Diasend has never worked out an agreement with Dexcom for automatic loading of CGM info. Actually they have/had agreements for many people outside the US but not for US users. At one point people in the US could pretend they were international users and get it to work, but that didn’t last for long. Are you an international user?

If you’re from the US (and maybe international also), Glooko which is now the same company, does allow for automatic population of Dexcom numbers. So just get a Glooko account and it should do what you want. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a way of merging Diasend and Glooko data so I have lots of historical data in Diasend and more current data in Goooko.