How long will a pod last?

the 2 little SPRINGS sticking out of the top

They expire after 72 hours… they stop working after 80. :slight_smile:

Do they stop working or do they just start making that annoying BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP? I’m tempted to disconnect the speaker and see what happens.

The PDM and the Pod stop communicating. The Pod shuts down there is no more insulin delivery, no basal, and you can’t bolus.

Done, kaput, fini.

End of story.

So what you’re saying is the pod will not just keep delivering the basil like it would if I left my PDM at home when I went to work or something. I know the pod will keep pumping without the PDM but will it keep pumping after the PDM decides that it doesn’t want to speak to it anymore? Will it keep pumping until it runs out of insulin?

Nope the Pod itself shuts down, No more basal!

I totally agree. I havent yet tried to push it any further. However I do know that with my Navigator sensors you can disconect and then click back. This makes the reciever that you have a new sensor. So the Pod must have a similar trick. The batteries dont run out - I have made mistakes were the Pod is in my bedroom (having changed it) and a day later its screaming at me. I would love to know the answer.


What is a navigator sensor?

That would be a CGMS not a Pump wouldn’t it?

I’m due for a change tomorrow so if I can get the cover off without taking the pod off I’ll test it and see if it keeps pumping or if it stops completely like Seth is saying.

No luck this time. My pod was all but empty when I changed it which is good I guess but I’ll try again on Friday. When I can stay up til 6 in the morning to monitor it.

I was told you have 8 hrs after the 3 day mark… then it will shut down.

We seemed to have more issues when he first started… he has filling the pods down to a science… first he pulls back and puts air in the needle… then pushes that air into the bottle to pressurize it… then turns it upsidedown and the pressure auto fills the seringe (sp) w/ less bubbles…then he pushes some out to get the bubbles of the top… then fills it on a flat surface…very slowly.
I did two recently… not as “careful as he is” and they failed later… bubbles caused occlusions. So “techique” matters and gets better w/time.

My husband has about 200 batteries he took out and saved from mine. He says there must be a use for them. The only thing we found was a tiny flashlight after about 3 years looking. lol

Pulled the cover off about 20 minutes before the 80 hour mark. Pod kept pumping. When 80 hours was up the pod completely stopped pumping. When I put the cover back on the pod was beeping. It is confirmed. The pod will not last longer than 80 hours.

If it’s supposed to last for three days… say if i put it in on monday- Should i take it out wed or thurs?

If you put a activated a pod on Monday then you would change it 72 hours later on Thursday.

The PDM will tell you when the pod expires. It will last for a maximum time of 80 hours from the time that it is activated and will automatically deactivate itself when 80 hours is up. At 72 hours you will receive a warning that it’s time to change pod. Unless the pod runs out of insulin it will last 3 days. My current pod will expire at 5:59 AM tomorrow morning. I put a little less insulin than I usually do so it will run out before then and I will change it tonight so that I don’t have to try to change it at 6 in the morning.

What have you decided ?? I have the Omni and a bloody CGM which both drive me mad. How long have u been on pod ??

I started my OmniPod on Sept 1st so yesterday was 1 month. I love it. Going to ask my endo about the DexCom when I see her in December. I’m pretty sure I’ll love that too.

I always use the omni to the full 80 hrs. After that it ends and you have to change it.

Once you start on the Dex, you will wonder how you lived without it. The omni and dex together are an unbeatable combo.

Good luck!