I’m curious.
I’ll start. I am
I’m curious.
I’ll start. I am
Hi Tim, I am left-handed too.
lefty all my life LOL
I’m so lefty I’d starve if i had to eat right handed. My mother was, my sister was, so are two of my grandkids. My mother and sister are also diabetics. I sure hope it skips the g-kids. I’ve come to believe that we are gifted by left handedness because we are in our right minds…
I’m a lefty. My dad & neice are too. (I’m also adopted and my bio family, the ones I have met, there are at least 3 lefties)
Oh, and I don’t write upside down. I know a lot of lefties that do. But not me or my dad or my neice.
But I do a lot of things right handed too. Like cutting w/ scissors. And shooting a gun (I’m from the south. ). And throwing a ball.
Yay! I’m a lefty!
I golf, bat, shoot, and scissor right handed. I think that’s a product of our upbringing. I don’t write upside down either. I just refused to slant my letters to the right and got in trouble for it as a kid. My mother stood up for me though.
I am left-handed.
lefty here as well…
But I am ambi for a lot of things… Like my mouse, I shoot left or right handed, most kitchen activities are ambi…
There are some things for which am am purely right handed… scissors
I also do not have a dominate eye…
It really gets to the guys at the range to see me shooting just as well left or right handed… It gets them even more when they notice that I don’t squint or turn my head to aim.
At that point, they don’t notice I am a diabetic anymore
I get the funny looks about the check mark. I always have to explain to people, “your marks go down and out (away from your body). So do mine. I just use my other hand.”.
I used to teach school (2nd grade) and had to teach handwriting. Learing to write right-handed (to show the kids how to do it) was difficult. But I did it.
Lefty here too.
I’m a member of the Southpaw club too !
Me too. Aren’t lefties the people who are in their right minds!
I am! I love it. I’m the only lefty in my family (and the only T1 too). I do everything left-handed except scissors, using a computer mouse, and wearing my watch! I cut right-handed because in kindergarten I gave up on finding the one pair of left-handed scissors in the box!
Hello Tim, I consider myself left handed since I write and eat left handed. However, I have always had a natural inclination to do virtually anything else in life right handed such as sports,painting, opening a door,using a hammer,etc. So, my right arm and hand is the strongest too.
I trust all the lefties know this fact which is the truth, The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice-versa so lefties are the only ones in our right mind.
David, dont throw tomatoes at my righties,only a joke
Thanks everyone for responding! And yes, we lefties ARE in our right minds!
Check out these items for people like us:
At one time it was taught that left handness was n=a “natural evil” and a punishment from God.
In the 18th and 19th century in was a common practice to “beat left handness out of them.”
my daughter and I are both lefties so it makes it easier.
Lois La Rose
Once again he proves himself a jerk!