How many units of insulin do you use a day?

I’m on a minimed. 80u of Apidra per day. Half for basil and half for bolus.

I use 14 u of Humalog per day, ( might be couple of units higher if my BS is a little higher before a meal.) Use 12 units of Lantus at night. It covers about 150 grams of carbs/day.

I’m on the same thing! lol I use 38U of Levemir and about 4-8U of Novolog for my olus each meal. I think that’s going to change once I get my pump though.

Novolog, 38 U average., 17 basal.

I am trying not to read anymore into your question , than just responding to " amount of insulin I use daily " , because I could easily expand on this …so here goes : 21.54 u daily average over the last 31 day period:… 11.76 u basal and 9.78 u bolus …pump said so !

I use about 15 Lantus at night, and around 13-15 Aspart during the day. So total around 30 units per day

I use about 40-50 per day, with 20 of them basal…Although, at one point I was down to <30 per day and my sugars were in check : ( I would love to be able to do that again!

I’m on novalog and use about 45 units a day. I always try to get this down as low as possible with exercise and low carbs. My lowest is 33 units in a day. a lot of exercise and no carbs,

TDD of Humalog from pump = 25-28 U, on average. 50-60% of that is basal.

total daily dose of Novolog in my pump approx. 20 units per day with 8.25 as basal and 12 as bolus. I eat a vegan diet so lots of very healthy carbs. Type 1 for almost 18 years now.

I use about 16 units a day- 7.8 as basal, the rest as bolus. I can get down to about 14 on days I exercise, if I’m really careful about eating and timing my exercise to be after lunch (cut my largest bolus in half). I eat about 150g carbs/day.

My Medtronics insulin pump uses only Humolog… Over the period of about 5 years, I’ve gone from using about 120u/day to about 50… and I’m EXTREMELY BRITTLE! I used to call my hospital my “1st home” and my actual house my “2nd home”. Now, because of my pump, the situation is almost completely reversed. I’d advise to anyone on insulin, especially Type 1’s, and ESPECIALLY you brittle Type 1’s out there (if you don’t already have it)… GET A PUMP!!! It saved my life! It could save yours, too!!!

everyone has different insulin requirements. all depends on your carbohydrate intake, weight and a whole heap of other factors. dont worry about it :slight_smile:

10 Units of Lantus plus Humalog with an Insulin to carb ratio of 1:20

I use 23-28 units per day (fast-acting insulin, on a pump) and about 12 of those are for basal. I eat around 170g of carbs per day.

OK, I think I’m the “winner” (at least as far as the drug companies are concerned). My average over the last 30 days is 136 units per day, 50 of it lantus and the rest humalog (my highest day in that period was 233 units). Maybe part of it is my size - I’m 6’5" 195 lbs - but I’ve also had diabetes for 35 years and have noticed that the amount I need creeps up over the years, even without gaining weight. I’de love to know why.

I’ll start by saying I have severe insulin resistance:

I use about 300-350 units of Humalog u-100 daily. Multiple injections daily. I’m hoping to switch to U-500 insulin when I see my new endocrinologist. I have an OmniPod pump but it only holds 200 units so I change it twice daily.

I average about 47 units a day. 29 of which are basal units.

19-21 u…12-14 being basal (T1 for 1.5 yrs, on low-carb vegan diet)

3.4 basal, ~10 bolus, so around 12-14 units a day (Still honeymooning I guess)! What is your Insulin:Carb ratio? I’m always wondering when my needs will change. They have been changing every couple of weeks for the past 6 months since diagnosis. At first on the pump I only needed like 1 unit for the whole day basal, and my I:C was 1:35!! Now it’s 1:20.