How much insulin do you use daily?

Sorry if there is already a post about this, my quick search didn't turn up what I was looking for!

From what I've read on posts from you all it seems like everyone uses a lot less insulin than I do. I checked my pump's daily average function to find that my average daily insulin use is 98 units .

So that got me wondering, what is your daily insulin use?

It sounds like you've developed some Insulin Resistance, Beedubs; that can happen to Type 1's over time. Mine is around 25. I think the bottom line is that it takes what it takes.

Thanks for your input, Zoe! I've had diabetes for close to 20 years, so I have heard a little about insulin resistance. Unfortunately, I've never found much good info on solutions for insulin resistance in type 1's. Maybe now that my endo sees concrete evidence of how much I'm using he will have an idea of what will help. Thanks again!!

Have you gained weight, Beedubs? if so, losing can definitely reduce IR. Also many Type 1's who have developed IR on here have reported success using meds like Metformin and some have had great results with Symlin injections. Good thing to talk to your doctor about options!

You might want to do a specific thread about IR in Type 1's.

Metformin definitely helps some T1 people. Trying it is probably the only way to know whether it helps a particular individual. And it is one of the safest drugs around.

I didn't realize until I went through it that T1's could become insulin resistant. It slowly developed in me over a five year period as I gained about 10 pounds. I lost weight last year and cut my usual 60-70 units per day down to my current 30. I changed my diet to low carb and try to walk every day.

Insulin resistance is a tough problem to shake. Maybe your doctor can help you figure a path forward. Good luck.

I used to take 60, but cut down to ~30, since I changed my diet a year ago. I would agree 98u seems like a lot.

I can use 98u a day but I weigh 210 pounds, eat a high calorie diet and I take some drugs that cause insulin resistance pulse I have some chronic health issues and inflammation that can cause insulin resistance. During My first 20 years my TDD was 30u or less and my weight was around 170-180 pounds.

Wow, 98! I average between 3 - 5 units per day during weekdays and about 6 on weekends. I am very insulin sensitive, and therefore, eat a very low carb, boring diet. Small input, small mistake, big input, big mistake. One unit drops me 115 points.


12-15 per day depending on meal carbs. 8.2 is the current 24 hour basal amount. I have also found that, oddly, as I get older I need less insulin.

I have had T1 for 21 years I take around 45-55u most days, but can get up to 60-70u if I am running high all day or eat a lot. I'm overweight but not insulin resistant. Last winter I got up to taking around 80u a day consistently and still running high, and I got worried about insulin resistance, but then that disappeared with the warmer weather, so who knows.

Between 17-25 units per day. I'm T1, 118 lbs, 5"6. I eat, or try to, between 30-75 carbs per day, that's why insulin dosage varies. When reading these responses realize that some may be from T2's. Also, try basal rate testing, to figure out your insulin requirements, without the carb factor, and maybe limit carbs to 100 per day and see what happens to daily total insulin requirements. When I up my insulin by 4-5 unita or more due to greater carb consumption, I gain a lot of weight quickly. Let us know how any changes you make effect insulin amounts.

I am on MDI and my TDD can vary depending on carbs, but average is 40-45 units a day. I have had T1 D for almost 38 years and so far have not developed any insulin resistance. 1 unit of Apidra drops me 50 points. I am like a lot of people here who say as they have aged they use less insulin.

I'd say it's 15 units, give or take. I'm LADA and I've been on insulin for 3-4 years now.

I take between 37 and 42 units per day, depending on carbs. I've been T1 for 25 years, and I don't eat an especially low-carb diet-- I try to stay away from sugar, and not eat lots of super high-carb stuff, but I'm not as strict as some people.

35-50 units/ day. I agree about not being that strict about carbs. I am careful but have had ok results with occasional splurging on larger carb type of meals occasionally.

I've been type-1 for 34 years. When I was on the ADA Diet, I took 45 units/day and gained weight like crazy and my A1c was about 7.0% with severe hypos. Now on a very low-starch diet, I take about 12.5 - 15.0 units per day and my last A1c was 4.9% with no serious hypos.

Most days I use 18-20 units per day. My basals total about 8.5 units, so I have some days as low as 13 units (not many carbs)and others as high as 30 units (a total pig-out day).

Like others have mentioned, I use less insulin than I did when I was younger. Some of that is the result of better insulins (I started with 2 shots a day of Lente in 1976) and more precise delivery with a pump. Some of it is the result of eating fewer carbs than I used to. Since I’m past menopause, I have fewer hormones affecting my insulin use.

An important answer to your question is that everyone should take the amount of insulin they need and there is no gold medal for taking the lowest amount of insulin. However, since you were motivated to start this thread, are you having issues that make you think you’re taking too much insulin? PCOS is a hormonal condition that can cause severe insulin resistance in young women, so you might want to read about that and see if you are having some of the symptoms. Are you having weight issues and/or lots of lows that cause you to eat more carbs than you want or need? Do you take any medications that can increase insulin resistance (for example, allergy meds with steroids)? Has your thyroid been checked?

As others have said, many Type 1’s have success taking Metformin. Lowering carb intake is another way to reduce insulin use and even out some of the peaks and valleys of BG levels. Exercise also increases insulin sensitivity. But at the end of the day, if you feel good and are doing well, then you’re probably taking the right amount of insulin.

I am T2 with a tiny bit of beta cell function remaining -- just barely enough to keep me under control in the fasting state. Consequently I do not use a basal insulin.

But I cannot tolerate food at all. Any sort of meal sends my BG skyrocketing. So I bolus with rapid acting insulin for every meal.

I also eat a very low carb diet as recommended by Bernstein and others. So an "average" day for me is between 10 and 15 units. Of course, if I eat something naughty, or dine out, I usually need more.

Wow, I feel like I have major issues now. I use roughly 180 units a day! I knew I used a ton, but now I’m super worried! I am T1 and have been for about 9 years (I’m 29 btw). My new endo put me on Metformin about a month ago and I’m working my way up to 4 pills at dinner. I’m overweight and need to lose about 100 lbs but the IR is hindering my weight loss.

Beedubs, my situation should make you feel better! Haha