How to help raise funds for TuDiabetes?

We are nearing the end of our fundraising campaign, Sept. 30. After this date, we will stop being a pest about this for a good while! (you have my word) :slight_smile:

It is our goal to secure sponsorships to help us too. We’ve contacted 20 potential sponsors but these things take a while to materialize…

I wanted to ask you to please consider writing to people you know telling them how you feel about the community. If you feel it is appropriate, please include this message to them:

Help me raise $20,000 for the Diabetes Hands Foundation before Sep. 30:

Every donation helps!

Diabetes Hands Foundation is in the process of applying for an exemption from income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.

Please consult with your tax advisor on the deductibility of your donation.

Thanks for your support!

lol- you can keep bugging us!! I don’t mind:) at least you didn’t make us pay to join:)

LOL!! Thanks, amiga!! :slight_smile:

Diabetic advice=Free
Diabetic friends=Free
Diabetes Therapy=Free

So, TuDiabetes is worth every penny donated in my opinion. If I were a RICH… I would give you the 20,000 you needed. no questions asked…it’s a good place and TuDiabetes has helped me more than you’ll ever know

What about a reminder message sent to all 4294 members,many are busy and do not visit regularly or read every post. 5-10 dollars is nothing for many.

Thanks, amiga… your comments are VERY encouraging! :slight_smile:

We will probably do one more video about this before the month is over. :slight_smile:

How much has been raised so far? I see that $4146 has been raised and this hasn’t changed since I joined. Am I looking in the wrong place?

Counting mailed donations (those are not reflected in the ChipIn widget on the right), we have raised close to $4,500.

I see you joined Aug. 30. The total has gone up a few hundred dollars since then.

I actually don’t know what i would have done without this site. Since my issues with hypoglycemia unawareness started this has kept me grounded and able to find more information about options for my condition. I never thought i would get into a police chase during a black out while driving. This site has given me more than i can ever express.In fact i am not in the process of getting a service dog to help with my issue. I am also involved with trying to get my insurance company to cover CGMS.

I am very happy to read how much help and information you have found in the community.

I want to thank you very much for your contributions!!

I deal with children with diabetes,after joining I can see them grow up with diabetes and every small detail in every day living it is there in the comments of all my wonderful inspiring friends.It is different from information given in text books.You are supporting me to support my patients and improve my care.Thanks .

How often is the supporters list updated I made a contribution on Friday 9/19 through paypal and only got a confirmation from paypal. Just want to make sure it went to the right place.

The biggest thing this site did for me was to open up communication with my Dr, by me becoming more knowledgeable and asking more questions like why am I taking this? What does it do? Is there something different I should be doing? Together were working to control this and have made great strides.
This site has a wealth of experience and advice and you have some things work for people and others don’t but the information is there for you to ask will it work in my case?.. I know it’s helped me understand what’s going on.

Hi John,
We have a few donations since Friday (including yours, for which we are INCREDIBLY thankful) to update on the Community Supporters list. By the end of Monday, it will be current.

I am very happy to read how the community has helped you!

Hi John,
Just wanted to let you know that the list of Community Supporters has been updated.

Take care, thanks once more for your contribution and have a great week!