My insurance is changing in January and the new company will no longer cover Humalog, which I have been using in my pump for the last 11 years. I hate the fact that I don't get the choice to use what I want. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had positive or negative experiences switching over from Humalog to Novolog. The pharmacy rep from the new company was arguing with me about it being the same product and how my blood sugars would react the same, typical, they just don't get it.
When I was still using insulin pens, I made the switch from Humalog to NovoRapid. I wanted to switch the type of pens I was using at the time. I didn't notice any changes. In fact, I didn't even require permission from my doctor. My pharmacist said they're essentially the same product, so made the transition easy for me.
From what I have read.... Novolog starts working faster than Humalog. Novolog reaches peak activity at 52 minutes, compared to Humalog peaks at about 75 minutes. Both pumpers and injectors may note lower post-meal readings due to the faster onset of action.
The clearly defined action times of the fast insulin makes it easier to troubleshoot problems.
i noticed no change when i switched to novolog.
I found no changes from the switch.
I personally have tried both and didn't notice a single difference. I know some other people swear that Novolog starts to work faster, but I just didn't see it. Everyone is different so I would give it a try and if you have problems, you should be able to get humalog covered as a medical necessity.
When I used Novolog in a pump, the infusion site would swell, get red and irritaited, producing a "pump bump." I switched to another insulin (Apidra) and the pump bumps disappeared. Apparently I am allergic to Novolog. I believe these pump bumps impaired insulin absorption. I've read other reports similar to mine.
It's been so long since I've used Humalog, I can't remember anything remarkable about it. I would, however, use the fastest (onset, peak, and duration) insulin available. Unless you're dealing with significant delayed digestion (gastroparesis), then the fastest insulin is usually the best.
I have used both and for me U100 insulin is U100 insulin they both lower my BG the same amount per unit....Note: this is also a FDA requirement. I always thought Humalog was quicker when correcting my high BG but I like pumping novolog
the best.....
i was on humalog before i went on novolog. the transistion was seamless. not one problem. and i have been on the pump with the novolog for 11+ yrs. i have the same problem with paying for my insulin, so whenever i am at my endo, i ask him for some samples. it saves me easily over $100. a month. i'm certain that not all doctors are this generous, but it doesnt hurt to ask.
but bk 2 the switch; no worries, they're the same.
i switched too due to insurance. I like Novolog better because I can bolus 20 min premeal instead of 30 on humalog. really that was the only difference.