Tomorrow, November 14 is World Diabetes Day! At 2PM, your local time, won’t you join me and thousands of others for The Big Blue Test? If you participated at our last big test-in in July, you know how much fun it was. The feeling of community and solidarity was just wonderful. I was following the action on Twitter, and right here at TuDiabetes, as the blood glucose numbers came streaming in. Some numbers were in the coveted 80-120 range, and some were not. No one was shamed. It’s most important to participate.
My best friend Meg Guiseppi surprised me yesterday with a blog about tomorrow’s activities. Meg is an executive branding, online identity and job search strategist who is very well connected online at her own website, as well as on Twitter and LinkedIn. I am thrilled she took the time to write about TuDiabetes. She knows how much the community has helped me, and the pride I have being an active member here.
As a type 1 diabetic for 42 years, I thank God every day for Manny and Andreina for bringing TuDiabetes to life. Just knowing I can reach out when I’m feeling like I can’t take another day of diabetes, and the TuDiabetes community will come and put their virtual arms around me, and say, “we understand what you’re going through”, is an enormous comfort to me. Let’s all celebrate our community tomorrow! Let’s make some noise in the (DOC Diabetes Online Community)! Go Big Blue!