Hmmm…it’s now 2PM on the U.S. East Coast and has passed that deadline in Europe. I don’t see a thread to start our posts on, except the one Pastel posted early from Australia. Feel free to use this one to start those numbers rolling in. I believe the technique is to test at 2PM your time, exercise 14 minutes and test again…then post. I’m not doing the exercise part because I don’t do formal exercise; I just walk everywhere and have nowhere I want to go today! Looking forward to all the posts. If Manny just hasn’t posted the “official” thread yet, It’s fine to replace this one with that!
join the Group for the Big Blue Test and post your numbers there
Huh! Any idea why it’s being done as a group? People that weren’t looking for it might not see it that way!
Here we go Zoe.
Click on the Big Blue Test on the home page. Will take you right there.
Ok, Gerri, I’m even more confused. I went to the “Big Blue Test” site and people are posting their experiences, but the directions say to go to to post results. Why am we having to search for where to post and go to other sites?
I see it’s a bit clearer if you open to the Home Page. I generally just keep the Discussion in my favorites and go right there. Doing that there was no evidence at all of where to post test results like there was last year! But still, it’s go to the “Group”, join the group to post there, and then go to another site?
earlier today the link here
was broken, now it is working
So this is no longer a TuDiabetes activity?
Go to the Big Blue Test banner on the home page. Yep, then click on “Join this group and share your Big Blue Test experience!” Once you do that stay there & it’s a post like any other.
Never was just a TuDiabetes thing. It was started by DHF/TuDiabetes but other groups are pushing it as well.
I know that, Jim, but last year there was a clearly labelled topic thread where everyone posted their tests. Some people also posted elsewhere and on twitter or facebook, but it was fun to see the thread and watch the posts come in from all around the world. I just looked at the “Group” page and there are two separate groups, so first you have to figure out which one to go to. (One was “the days building up to 11/14 and what you’re planning for 11/14”). Then when you get to the correct group and join that group, you see you are being directed to another website. Even choosing to look at the group thread, it is confusing because the pages are backwards from the usual thread. Page 1 had the most recent post and if I went to the last page, page 8 currently, I saw posts from a few days ago. HUH? I’m sorry I’m very disappointed. It’s very confusing and scattered. Signing in to the Discussions rather than Home (am I the only one who does that?) I wouldn’t know anything about the test posts unless I started this thread.
Zoe I missed out on it by the time I relized it was 2:00 here it was 2:09. Ok my bd at a quoeter til 2 was 178.
There’s a link to TuD at the BigBlueTest site. You can enter your results there (BigBlue) and see if the tote board goes up. It takes a minute for the ‘submit’ to register so be patient. Lots of people doing the same thing. Then scroll down and click on the tuD link and post it again at ‘our’ thread. Big Blue Test is a special Group here at TuD - not just a discussion topic. Join the group and do your thing.
Typing sucks!!! By the time I relized it was 2:00 it was 2:09 and a quater before 2 bs was 178
Thanks for the clarification, bikette. I can see the value of the tote board now that I’ve checked it out, but I’m still pretty annoyed by the circuitous process compared to last year. I guess everything changes…though more complexity is not always for the better imho.
Yikes! I just found another flaw in this set-up. I just got 20 e-mails because I joined the Test Group. I think you can request to forego notification, and I’m going to quickly do that.
Aw bummer, I didn’t realize I was supposed to do anything. At two pm I was probably eating my almonds. Exercise at 2pm? Surely you are joking.
If it helps, my BG before 2 was 98.
(probably doesn’t count)
Today I am going to make my little blue ring/circle to put on a necklace so I can wear it around when I am out and about and maybe people will ask me about it. That is my World Diabetes Day activity.
Here is a picture of my WDD (and month for November) “crafty” work. (since I missed the whole test thing).
I made myself a “blue circle” pendant piece symbolizing diabetes that I can put on a necklace chain and wear.
Fun crafty crazy kimkat project and a nice piece of jewelery if I do say so myself. All it took was a key ring and blue thread (and lots of looping :D)