To be honest I am tired of carb counting and its making sick and tired of eating,I am on of those people who dont like to think about what I am eating if I have food infront of me I want to eat it without any worries.
I feel so down about it I dont share food anymore as I have counted the amount of carbs in them and I dislike going out to eat thats something I never thought I would say.
Last weekend I went out with my friend and I was sky high so didnt really want to bother with carbs and its kind of rude not to eat something when we all out so I ordered some meat without the rice and instead of it I got salad so depressing to tell the truth as I love rice I could get eat the whole lot.
Sorry about my rant just needed to get it of my chest and see if there is anyone else feeling like this!
that is ok, its good to vent. I hate counting too but I am sure its worse for you. They should have an IPhone app that counts the carbs for you. You take a picture of what you eat and then the app gives you calculated carbs. I know there is an app that can tell you what art work you took a picture of. That would be a cool app. I hate having to put what you are eating online but it calculates your meal for you. I use the livestrong site they added a myplate section that tells you exactly how many carbs are in the meal you are about to eat.
take care
I hear you. We have been counting carbs for the past 3 years. But it has seriously helped with my son’s BG control. So we will continue to count and count and count. Something that we found handy - pocket size calorie fat & carbohydrate counter book see I purchased our copy through Medtronic, my son’s pump supplier. It is small enough to fit in my purse, so I carry it everywhere. It is so handy if you eat out.
Another technique that we use, as my son really, really, enjoys a good buffet. He knows that his supper will typically require about 8 units of insulin. So if he eats out at a buffet, he will bolus 6 units of insulin for the first plate, 6 units again for the second plate and if he has some dessert another 6 units, at which point he will set a two hour BG reminder on his pump. It lets him pig out occassionally and has worked really well as he tends to find that his BG is in target at the end of the two hour reminder. He is 17, still growing, 6’2" and sometimes just loves to eat.
I can really feel your pain. But like you, I don’t have a very well behaved pancreas. Both you and I have to decide whether to count or face the consequences. I must admit, I say the heck with it occassionaly, but then I regret it later. Sure it’s easy to bolus with a pump, but it’s just not the same as “normal” person. One good thing, is that diabetics get very good at math.
Have a great day…gotta go now and get some pizza. :} In my dreams.
Lol Jon I love that gotta go now and get some pizza so funny,
Yeah its does get annoying and a bit like hardwork at times but now I am enjoying the pains of my diabetes I am enjoying counting the carbs and checking my levels to see the numbers that I dreamed,prayed and wished for so the all the hardwork is really worth it.
So we gonna face the consequences ad enjoy the moment.
Enjoy your pizza and save me a slice to 2
Sometime with all the junk we put up with…it’s nice to step aside and have a joke.
I am there with Osob (cool name), carb. counting is a pain. Heck I spent 52 years without having to think about what I ate. Now after being dx’ed type 1, it’s a whole different story. I miss eating without being a dart board. lol
When I go out I will carefully count my carbs, eat just right, and then, like last Saturday at Black Angus, ruin it all by ordering a cowboy cookie. (giant chocolate chip with a scoop of ice cream on it.) And I just start eating it like my nondiabetic sister. Of course I don’t feel that great later that night when I’m over 200. I would say I learned from that experience, but really am just waiting for another opportunity to cheat again.
Jon-A good joke makes everything that little bit easier to get through things its true I dont know where I would be without it to be honest.
Keith A. Johnson-thank you my name is kind of original just like myself its arabic and it means blossom kind of sweet,
I miss eating without being a dart board.hahahhaha so funny but true I wish I could eat without being a dart board.
Kathyann-Sometimes its brilliant to just eat like a normal person but when it back fires it does really get you down and now you got me dreaming about giant chocolate chip with a scoop of ice cream on it,but over here in London they are not as big as the american
I am sorry to hear about this. Being type 2 I can only image all the drama type 1 go through. Do me a favor!! If possible could you put your ranting about carbs on video? You can be with your friends in the mall or anyplace. I am setting up a website for stuff like this and I am asking folks especially types 1 peeps to videos on your experience. If you don’t want to I still love you for it. But It would help out.
The best eating habit I have is not to eat. because anything infront of me will be gone in 60 secs.
I have to agree. I to am sick and tired of all the counting and measuring…
I AGREE X 1,000,000 and into infinity! I also hate the thinking in advance and bolusing like half hour before I eat to make sure my BS don’t spike through the roof and ■■■■ me off for the next 4 hours! I just bolused for an egg sandwich (my weekend pleasure) with cheese on top and so I dualed (guessed of course and hope for the best) and set my oven timer for when I can put it together! Ugh, Ugh, Ugh!!! Good luck to us all!!!
I know how you feel, Osob… big, big HUGS. Hang in there, friend. Sometimes it’s nice to have a carb vacation.
I agree but I don’t knkw what the heck to do about it.
Thank guys for your feedback Stefanie I also hate thinking in advance esp when everyone around never thinks about it all they worry about is useless in my
Lol Lizmari I did have a carb vacation and now I wish I never as I am running hypo and dont know if I should take my levemir or lol the lovely world of diabetes.
Tom-Get carb counting scales is my best advice they are great and such a helping hand honestly I love mine.Just pop it on and press the number and then But it does get easier just take it each day as it comes.
Osob, it’s a struggle for most of us. You can do it, though, and be healthier short and long-term. We’re all routing for you.
I feel your pain…I am 21 years old and I had thinking ahead of time what I am about to eat. Calculating the carbs in it. I feel like a freak sometime because when people see me calculating they ask a WHOLE lot of questions and makes comments. My friends love to go out to eat and it just makes me sad sometimes because I would have to say I can’t eat that or don’t need to eat that. I’m still trying and won’t give up.