I don't know how to sleep!

I either use a waist pouch or just let the pump flop around in bed with me. Sometimes I get tangled up in the tubing but I haven’t pulled it out at night yet. I’ve had it under my pillow if I want to corral it a little bit. It’s something you get used to. I’ve also sometimes slipped on one of those cheap knee braces the elastic kind and just clip it to that.

I keep my Dex receiver on my nightstand. During the day I wear my pump in my pocket or on the side of my bra.

Thanks, Diana. I’m going to order a waist thing online today to try, but I’ve slept well for two nights with the clip it to the back/side of a pair of panties idea!

Actually it’s the pocked that goes around the waist that I use - not the cap. But the baby sock idea that someone had sounds really good also (and cheaper)

Animas makes a pocket that clips to PJs (or Night Gown) with a safety pin as well. You can purchase it on line. They also make a pocket on a belt called the waist-it that I prefer. No problems with it. You can’t do any damage to it and if you position it right it will never annoy you. Well, maybe a little. https://estore.animascorp.com/ProductDetail.aspx?groupid=164&topcategoryid=5&subcategoryid=13

Thanks, Jeff. I was going to order a waist-it but then saw the spibelt and tallygear sites. They look like the same idea as the waist-it but maybe a bit more comfortable and cuter (you know that stuff matters to us girls)

Nothing wrong with cute! I never heard of the spibelt pr the tallygear sites. I will check them out.

Another member told me about them. They have a lot more options. My pump trainer said she didn’t think the waist it was very comfortable and it looks so sterile. Having tubes sprouting from my stomach already makes me feel like I’m on life support!

Zoe tallygear was the site I was looking for!!! I wanted to get that waistband to wear under my scrubs for when I enter into the medical field again. Whew, now I dont have to hunt it down

Cool; Trudy told me about it. They have lots of choices and are the same price as the waist-it.

I just got my ping on the 4th! I usually wear “basketball” shorts to bed so I just clip it inside the pocket with the clip outside… if that makes sense? I was scared about sleeping on top of it too but so far I’ve been fine, I always make sure I lock it too before I go to bed.

Hey, another pump twin…lol. Sounds like you are getting comfortable pretty quickly, Rebecca. Actually, I’ve gotten in the habit of locking my pump all the time. Since I mostly work from the meter, it’s easy to just keep the pump locked. Especially since like right now, my cat loves walking across me, or sitting in the small space between my body and my laptop!