After I made a few, okay many, phone calls, I was able to get a trainer from Animas that had availablity sooner rather than later and I have my appointment today! I’ve decided, as I’m going home for the holidays that I’m going to start with insulin instead of saline. I did alot of playing with the pump and even loaded novolog into a cartridge and set my basals and did fake boluses based first on my carb calculations and then put it into the pump and was right on. I don’t think I’m going to have much trouble out of this thing. At least i hope not!!! lol
Very good luck to you! Happy Holidays.
Congratulations on starting! Hope it works well for you over thanksgiving
Good luck with your new pump!
Good for you. I remember how i felt that first day. It was a combination of emotions. Make sure to keep careful records for your educator. I emailed her my downloads every week for the first month and we fine tuned my basals. I also had practical questions about site placements, insulin storage, where to keep the pump while sleeping etc. She was extremely helpful during those first weeks. Use her.
Congratulations Elizabeth! Your initiative and “take charge” actions bodes well for your pump success.
Keep good BG records and closely monitor your situation. Doing so will educate you on how to adjust your insulin delivery so it accommodates your lifestyle – not the other way around!
Best of luck. I use the Animas pump too; it’s a good one.
congratulations! Welcome to the pump team!
Best of luck. I am on saline for a week and cannot wait to go on to insulin. The pump is great.
Congratulations and good luck. Have a great Thanksgiving!