I’m new to pumping (using Omnipod)
and I’m wondering if PWDs typically change their medical ID to indicate from “insulin dependent” but also that they are a pump wearer? If so, how did you word it to fit onto your medallion?
My ID says "Diabetic - see wallet" where I have a laminated card with all the info needed.
The charm on my bracelet says:
Type 1
Insulin pod
I have a Medic Alert bracelet states:
Type 1
External insulin pump
Hello Sue Sue,
I used to carry an ID bracelet with me at all times. I have been a T1 for 38 years and found that I would inevitably loose the bracelet(s) frequently. I had one of the first commercially available pumps way back when and it was not hard to miss.
I did have a Medic Alert bracelet (great company) that I updated as "Insulin Dependent, wears Insulin Pump". They make bracelets from simple to extravagant. Made from stainless steel to Gold.
They also maintained records for all their customers. They have information to release to anyone who needed to call in for emergency assistance.
mine is a watch from MA and has Diabetes type 1 insulin pump, then all the rest of the info is in my wallet.
I have a paramedic next door to me, she is great. I asked her would you recognize this? showing her my watch(Medic Alert) she says they don't bother looking anymore that the first thing they do now is check someones blood sugar found that interesting. once at the hospital I guess they check to see what you can or can't have. My neighbour is one of the top medic's in our town. she and two others is the only paramedic's that can administer drugs, so thought I would share this info I will still use my MA however since one can get all my medical needs 24/7.
How discouraging to learn that paramedics do not check for medical IDs! I never leave home without mine since it lists both that I am diabetic and that I am allergic to sulfa drugs. I do wish, however, that Insulet would print something on the Pods to indicate that they ARE part of an insulin pump system since I have had many medical personnel (including both RNs and MDs) who had never seen a Pod nor did they have any knowledge of what the Pod was or how it worked.
I agree SherryAnn. I was at a Nursing dinner last nite & showed my new Omnipod to the other 7 RN’s at my table & NONE of them had ever even heard of it! And most were advanced practice nurses. I did conduct a mini-inservice on the spot of course ::lol::
I also am allergic to sulfa drugs and other medical issues which is also on my id. I think that when they first get to the patient (ambulance) they first test your blood sugar, from there I am not sure but she did say that they don't look for it anymore since it takes to much time trying to locate. will ask her what is the protocol for figuring out allergies and such. will get back to you.
not trying to discourage but that was my first thought also. still think it is a great idea to wear one.
She also has never seen the omnipod so always asking me questions about it so if she ever has an emergency and someone has one she will know about it. LOL
I have a lovely beaded stretch bracelet with an interchangeable metal center piece that says 'DIABETIC' and wear that when out as well as a pretty ID bracelet that iists: Insulin Pump, my name and age: it is small and delicate looking from 'Beth Paige'?? and I wear it at all times. If I truly have to give up on a pump, I will cease wearing my pump id.
Thanks Budababe. My current ID has interchangeable chains for the emblem.
My endo says stating pump isn’t necessary, but wants me to change it to specify Type 1. (Currently it says Diabetic, Insulin, my name & allergic to penicillin)