I haven’t even told my husband yet, but I must share the news! This is a safe place to share my ups and downs of pregnancy!
So I took a test last night at home, not really expecting much as I was only one day late, and there it was as clear as day “Pregnant” (the tests now spells it out for you in case the plus or minus or two lines are too confusing!)
Then again this morning I took another test as I was not convinced…and again “pregnant”. Hmm, could this really be?
I called up my doctor’s office and made an appointment to get my blood drawn-a sure fire way to know for sure.
Then after the longest hour of my life I had the third and final confirmation, yes Rachel you are indeed pregnant! Wow-I am flooded with so many emotions-happiness, fear, uncertainty, anxiety…I don’t have a doc here that specializes in pregnancy and diabetes, so that is my first order of business, and to try to keep my sugars between 60 and 110 as I did with both my boys. Already my sugars have been spiking high then low-the crazy hormones no doubt, but still each reading I have that is out of range makes me feel terribly guilty and scared that I am somehow damaging this precious life that is growing inside of me.
I am only a few weeks along so at least I found out early and can monitor my sugars carefully each day forward.
Oh wish me luck on this journey as pregnancy is never carefree and enjoyable when you have type 1 diabetes to contend with. Maybe I can get on the CGMS sooner than expected! Send me strength and some energy as I already am feeling fatigued!
My next order of business is coming up with a way to tell my husband…any suggestions? I guess his month home from deployment has already made quite a change in our lives!!! Let’s pray that he doesn’t have to deploy for longer than 3 months so he can be here for the arrival of the baby…maybe we’ll finally get a girl!!!