I just wanted to let everyone know because I know I’ve been talking about getting pregnant for at least 6 months. We had our first ultrasound yesterday. Baby is barely 7 weeks, and the due date is December 13th, the day after my own birthday. Its heart rate was 141 bpm, so it seems healthy. I’m a little overwhelmed, but very excited! Thanks for everybody’s help so far!
Congratulations !!
Very good news! Congratulations!
That is so wonderful Becky Z!
Fabulous Friday News Becky!! Congratulations to both you and your husband
@Jimi63, congrats. To you also. When I opened app. You were last to respond so the first thing I saw was your picture followed by"I am pregnan! About died laughing😃
Congratulations, @BeckyZ! That’s great news!
John - I just checked and no, thank goodness, I’m not pregnant
That is the last thing I need
Happy to not be pregnant, but delighted to congratulate you @BeckyZ
Woo Hoo! Congratulations @BeckyZ!
Congratulations wishing you all the best. Nancy50
I actually joined this page in hopes to tweak my diabetes management to make pregnancy a safer option. Out of curiosity, did you need to take any actions in regards to your diabetes to increase the chances/ensure a safe start to the pregnancy?
If you know of posts that explain any of this in depth, feel free to steer me that way! I have searched for some but I might not be searching the right thing. I have thought of starting my own post about the concerns I have and seeing if anyone else dealt with similar things.
Welcome, @Vsylvia Vsylvia!
It’ll probably be best if you do begin a new conversation/thread/post introducing yourself and asking your questions then too. I’m hopeful someone in the community will be able to assist you! Again, welcome!
Hi, vsylvia, welcome!
I actually put a lot of work in to get ready for this pregnancy. I started in December of 2017 taking steps to get a better hba1c and get all my doctors on board. I started at a 7.2, then down to 7.0, then down to 6.7, and finally got it to a 5.6 last August, which is when we started trying.
The hardest part, in my opinion, is the mental and emotional aspects. It can get very lonely, which is why it was so helpful to have this community to vent to. I wouldn’t talk about it to non-diabetics because they tended to be unintentionally hurtful, like telling me to just not get pregnant, or that i just had to be more strict with my diet and it would be easy, or suggesting that herbal supplements could cure me of my diabetes, lol. Having a group who gets it is amazing!
I would also recommend talking to your doctors early. My gynecologist was honest that she did not feel capable of dealing with a pregnant diabetic, so I started going to a high risk obstetric group who gave me more detailed advice and expectations for going forward with the pregnancy.
Good luck!
Congratulations @BeckyZ!!! So happy for you.
Thank you so much for the information!
I have spoken with my nephrologist about possibly trying to conceive the end of this year. She told me that she recommended that I go to a high risk doctor right off the bat (and also that my kidneys are more than healthy for that). I have been researching a few and I think my husband and I might schedule a visit this summer to speak with one.
One concern I did have was that my endocrinologist was saying I could have a healthy baby right now and my A1C is 7.5. While that isn’t out of control per say, and I do trust and like my endocrinologist, everything I have personally researched says A1C as close to 6 as possible.
I am trying to get a few questions together before I post my own topic, but I am so glad I found your post.
Congratulations again!!
Everyone has a different opinion on ideal hba1c. Even at the high risk obstetric group I go to, I had one doctor tell me anything above 5.6 was considered unacceptable, and another doctor come in praising me for a 5.7 because I had “exceeded expectations”. Needless to say, I preferred the 2nd doctor lol. I just felt that since pregnancy was such a guilt inducing time, I didn’t want to have any reason to doubt myself or have others doubt me, but at the end of the day, I do my best and try not to worry too much.
Congrats…that’s great news!!
Good to hear!!
Many congratulations to you.