Unexpected pregnancy

Hello everyone. My partner and I are now expecting, approximately 4 weeks. I have always had pretty good control but I am not mentally prepared for what’s ahead of me. On top of this I am having an increased need for insulin. I bumped my basalt up 130% and decided I needed to take my I:C down from 15 to 12 because I have been high (200) after I eat and that is with taking it minimum 30 min ahead of time. Has anyone else experienced this ? I just need all the support I can get from those who ‘get’ it.

Congratulations!! I hear ya with the not mentally prepared part. I don’t think anyone ever truly is. I had some transient highs when I first got pregnant…it was one of the ways I knew something was “off”. They quickly went away though and I had lots of lows for the next couple of months. Talk about frustrating! Just when i thought i had it all figured out. At 16 weeks they’re just now starting to creep back up. My recommendation is to test often and take it all one day at a time. It does get more exciting and less terrifying as time goes on. Good luck!!

Congratulations! You'll definitely find that this is a great place for support! There are a lot "Generally, this happens" with pregnancy and diabetes, but it isn't the same for everyone. The first trimester seems to be different for everyone and you'll quickly learn that it's all about constantly adjusting rates according to the trends you see. Take it day by day and we're all here to help you along the way!

I just found out too! I am approximately 5 weeks now, so we aren't too far off! My blood sugar was 298 last night, for what seemed like no reason, and I panicked and cried. I have all my appointments lined up, and I am excited, I just want this little baby to be healthy. Congrats to you! You can email me for any support or want to talk "pregnancy with diabetes" We can get through this. :)

I know, pretty much everything over 120 causes me to panic and I have had some highs overnight too, I set my CGM really low, at one time it went off every 2 hours and I was just hovering around 120, it was insane. Luckily because it's summer time I can go and take my dog for a long walk if my BG is elevated and it'll come down fast. I am dreading the winter and the holidays with increased insulin resistance lol. Yes I would love all the support I can get!

Congrats!! I just found out last week that I'm pregnant with #2, I will be 5 weeks tomorrow. My 1st pregnancy I believe I was around 8-10 weeks before I had a drastic need for more insulin but this pregnancy it was immediate. I've gone up 1.5 units on my basal rates already just to keep it down. I haven't seen my doctor yet but have made all the appointments and they've adjusted my rates over the phone. My blood sugars the past 2 days have been ridiculous. Before meals its around 120 but after meals it takes me hours to get it back down, it will be anywhere between 170-300 and I have to literally keep giving myself insulin to get it down. If you need any support you can contact me, I'm right there with ya! I've been through it before(I have a 4 year old) and going through it again. You can email me carolyn.munguia@hotmail.com I love connecting with others about diabetes and pregnancy. Its great to have good support during this time :-)

I feel the same after the meals! Congrats to you! Did you see highs & lows during your first? And did they scare you? I am getting ready to go to my first Dr. appointment this morning. :)

Thanks! The first Dr. appointment is amazing!!! Yep with my first I did have a lot of highs and lows, around 8 weeks I started getting real bad highs then my 2nd trimester they ended up decreasing my insulin because of lows then around 24 weeks they started creeping back up again and by the 3rd trimester I was going through a bottle of insulin every 5-6 days. Yes I was terrified of the high blood sugars but my doctor said as long as I got them down and its not high day after day continually then everything will be fine. I was under the assumption that because I was on the insulin pump it would be smooth sailing..nope its rough at first but it gets better.

I’m scared because my endo got me freaked out over fasting sugars. She wants me less than 99 and I had one that was 104 and another that was 106. Really?! I am going to go crazy if the next nine months are gonna be like this :frowning: I am glad you more experienced moms are here to help get through this.

Those are actually good blood sugars. Some doctors are just super strict. My doctor really just says she wants my sugars below 120 if its under 120 then that's normal range and she doesn't care what time of the day its under 120 just as long as I can try to keep it under that. The only time I would say freak out is if its above 200, then you need to get it down ASAP. You'll be ok, don't freak out too much if you need any advice at all I'm here! Any questions you may have let me know I'll try my best to give you advice based on my experience with my first and what I'm going through now with my 2nd.