ok, so I was wondering (from everyone) what makes the insulin pump more accessible than the classic vial/syringe user, I have been with the vial and syringe practically all my life and just recent years I have used the pens (which is only common to use when going out or staying somewhere) so my question is:
In my opinion (and probably because of past wonders, I heard I can't really swim or get the pump in water because it will damage it) I am just thrilled but at the same time unsure if I want a pump. A lot of people have told me that it is much easier, buuut I don't know if it will be double the work than using the good ol' syringe :-(
I just recently switched to using a T-slim pump after seven years of MDI. The pump is great for extra flexibility. I frequently count up the carbs for everything I think I'm going to have in my meal, bolus, then realize I forgot something. Like if I bolus for chili but forget the crackers. With the pump it's really easy to just do a second bolus. When I was on MDI if I forgot something I'd have to just not eat it or have another shot.
As for the swimming bit, that depends on which pump you have. Some are water proof. The T-slim is supposed to be water proof as long as you make sure the little flap over the micro USB port thingy is shut tightly. The Animas pumps and Omnipod are also waterproof, I think. Just in case a pump does get water damage because of an open flap or a broken seal or something, you can send it back and get a new one within a day or two.
If you're really worried about it getting damaged, you can just disconnect before swimming. As long as you're not disconnected for more than an hour and you weren't high before, you should be fine. If you're going to be disconnected for longer than that, you could have a small bolus in place of the basal you would have been getting if you had been connected. A pump won't prevent you from swimming.
As far as I know the omni pod is the only one that you can swim or bathe with. I'm starting on t-slim and have been told not to swim with it or get it wet, you remove it for showers or swimming. One Tandem rep told me he takes his off for several hours of surfing and takes some lantus, my trainer says she just takes hers off and doesn't need a bolus for however long she is swimming or bathing. As to which is easier I haven't been on insulin yet with it only saline but so far it is a pain to wear it but if it makes control easier it will be worth it to me and I will find ways around the tubing issues. You can also cancel out extended bolus spread out over a few hours if you decide not to eat something which you can't do on mdi. On the other hand insets need to be changed every three days although I know some people don't change them as often and it is kind of a hassle, but each time it gets easier. There are many things you can do with a pump in terms of your insulin that can't be done with mdi pens or syringes. Another huge difference is the way your basal insulin is delivered- in small doses over an extended period and it can be adjusted according to your activity.
The Tandem website says that the T-slim is watertight up to three feet for thirty minutes. The Animas Ping and Vibe are waterproof up to twelve feet for twenty-four hours, though I don't know why you'd ever need to be submerged for twenty-four hours...
During my training for the T-slim I was told that the T-slim was more water resistant than waterproof, but it should be fine as long as that flap is closed.
There are a number of pumps that are water-proof for swimming purposes. As others have mentioned, the T-Slim, the Animas, the Omnipod, and the Roche Spirit Combo.
For many diabetics, swimming without the pump attached is a viable option. The exercise of swimming may be enough to eliminate or reduce the need for basal insulin. It all depends on what your blood sugar is doing before you swim, the intensity of the exercise, etc.
Again, for many diabetics, the pump is a more straightforward therapy that allows a greater amount of control, but it is not for all. It is typically a more expensive option and depending on how often you check your BG, it might seem more time-consuming.
For me, the pump is hand-down the better choice. Everything from taking fewer shots and all the necessary paraphernalia; spending more time in range; being able to adjust my basal rate up or down according to unexpected activity; having my body react to only one type of insulin; to being in better physical shape than ever after 40+ years with T1D.
@Olivia I will have to ask about this again- I can't find any info about swimming at the website, only that the pump is "watertight". I'm not sure what up to three feet means exactly? Does that mean the pump can't go below three feet? I think that might eliminate some swimming or if you're tall and you stand in the water. I think water resistant is less than waterproof so I don't think I would risk swimming with mine, not that I swim that often but I think I would just take it off and monitor bg. I probably wouldn't take a bolus before swimming because I can drop too rapidly with fast acting a bolus which isn't something I would want to happen while swimming.
I'm on the Omnipod and I recently went on a cruise where I snorkeled and swam with no issues of the pod ever coming off. I also swam in the pools on the ship everyday with no issues. Been on the Pod for over 3 years now and love every minute of it!
@meee Up to three feet does mean that it can't be submerged below three feet. I personally don't think I'll be doing any swimming with mine, either. I also go low really fast when swimming. One time when I was at the beach I had to eat three chocolate bars and a granola bar and I still went low with only about 40 minutes total of swimming. I was really wishing then that I had a pump that I could just disconnect, since I had to stop swimming far earlier than I wanted to.
As my trainer said, the T-slim is more water resistant than waterproof, so it should be fine if it gets splashed or accidentally dropped in a tub. Some people say you can swim with it, but it doesn't seem to be as reliably waterproof as the Animas pumps or the Omnipod.
Please consider Omnipod which is wireless and tubeless (a "patch pump"), and get a Dexcom CGM! Its SO much better than the alternatives!!! No problem with bathing or swimming either!