In need of pump supplies philadelphia

Hey y’all, sorry to join on such dire circumstances but I have type 1 and I ordered medtronic pump supplies and they are taking a while to arrive. Does anyone in the Philadelphia or South Jersey area have supplies for a medtronic pump that I could have? I just need a few days! Thanks so much, I’m in a major bind.


Do you have a local Medtronic rep you can contact? They often have samples. Some drs also have samples left by the reps.

You could also try to refill the reservoir and extend current infusion set a few days.

I have a box of reservoirs and a box of Mio infusion sets in Lakewood, NJ.

Hi Kaytet, Look up Integrated Diabetes. Gary Scheiner started the company and it is about an hour from Philadelphia and a favorite resource of mine. They have a lot of extra supplies but most importantly an incredible info resource, Best to you.