Wow. So there are real-world consequences for that stupid “That diabetic’s gonna need a shot!” iron-rule of Hollywood?
Though it is just barely plausible:
He said his judgment was affected by low blood-sugar levels, and he needed to get home to inject himself with insulin and eat.
I mean, it is sometimes the case that what I’m eating requires me to bolus even though I’m starting from a low to begin with. But let’s get real: clearly he’s just using the condition as an excuse and a sympathy ploy and I have little patience for that.
Wow, and this guy is (soon to be was?) the Director of the Campus Police! It makes me wonder if the guy is even diabetic or on insulin when he makes statements like that. I could see being confused when low and actually thinking he has to get home to unhitch his trailer and take insulin, but he made that statement about needing insulin AFTER on Monday when he was presumably fine.
I was once told a story about a man who had exposed himself to a young girl. He was not charged because his mind was clouded by his high blood sugars. My mind has never been that clouded from being high!!__
I think the most recent “misinterpretation” I’ve seen re diabetes, on tv, was in an episode of NCIS where junior forensic examiner (or whatever his title is) Palmer, explains that the reason why his breath smells of acetone is due to his mild diabetes!
Another famous one was the movie Safe Room starring Jodie Foster who plays the mother of a diabetic girl. During a home invasion the pair of them lock themselves in the safe room in the basement, but alas without the daughter’s insulin which the young lady desperately needs, according to the story line, as her blood sugar goes lower and lower.
So I remember thinking at the time that “Panic Room” was a prime example of the “That diabetic is gonna need a shot!” rule of Hollywood. But someone pointed out to me that if you watch carefully it’s actually meant to be a glucagon shot. At least they do make clear that what the kid needs is sugar–IIRC, one of the problems they run into is that there are granola bars or something like that in the room, but when the mom looks at the label they are sugar free.
Another bit of trivia: I had thought the wristband BG monitor the kid has was totally made up, but actually it was a real thing–called a “GlucoWatch” I think–though it didn’t ever make it into wide distribution and wasn’t very accurate. In the older thread about this some TUD-er said he actually had one of 'em back in the day.
On edit: I went and found a description of the scene–there are two syringes, and when Forrest Whitaker offers the insulin one, Foster shakes her head and he gives her the glucagon one. So yay Panic Room. Now the movie Con Air on the other hand… Grrrrr
Oh, my. Just read a bunch of comments of the diabetic scenes from people who don’t have a whole lot, or any, experience with diabetes. Let me go bash my head into a wall! One person actually commented that the girl from panic room needed sugar and not glucose.
Someone else argued that diabetics who have been managing things for a while don’t go low because their dosing is correct.
Another person implied that insulin wasn’t needed at all if food wasn’t eaten.
Although in Panic Room the future vampire does eat pizza and drink a regular coke shortly before her hypoglycemic episode… I suppose it is possible she overbolused and they didn’t show that part Now, Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters on the other hand…
It was glucagon that they needed to inject, not insulin. At least they got that part right. Though I think there were some other minor inaccuracies in that movie (like I think the girl was thirsty as her BG was dropping).
I remember a movie about 10 years ago where Jodie Foster played a mother who had to lock herself and her diabetic daughter into a vault in their house during a home invasion and as the daughters blood sugar got lower and lower the mother got more and more desperate cause she did not have any insulin that her daughter could inject… It might sound funny but it reflects how ignorant many people are about diabetes.
“Panic Room.” I thought that too, but if you go back and watch again they actually do make the point that it’s a glucagon injection, not insulin. But it is still a cardinal example of the Iron Rule of Hollywood, subcategory Diabetes, which provides that if there’s a diabetic in a movie (or tv show), “That guy’s gonna need a shot!”