Does anyone know if the fatty tissue that builds up from numerous injection shots over 20 years ever go away? I have these 2 obvious. unattractive, bumps on both sides of my lower stomach that seem like they are here to stay. I change sites, but after so many years of doing injections I can’t seem to find one that truly absorbs all the insulin. Thoughts?
Fatty tissue and bumps are 2 different things that can occur from lack of frequent rotation.
I have seen photos on the web of lumps under the skin that get to be the size of golf balls. I am doubtful that those ever disappear.
In my case, I got the fluffy, fatty tissue after about 28 years of injecting in the same areas on my lower tummy and arms mostly. The first 10 years my Mom and myself rotated injects.
After the fatty tissue appeared, I thought it was middle-age spread since I had been a “fat-free” Person through most of my Life. I even showed it to my Hubby. I continued injecting in those areas(WRONG THING TO DO) of my tummy and arms. Soon after that, the fat disappeared and I ended up with dents instead.
Obviously, I stopped injecting in those areas. In about 6-8 months, the dents disappeared in my arms and the left side of my tummy. The dent which was larger on the right side of my tummy is still there after many years. It will never fill in. Thankfully it is hidden by my undies. I just consider it one of my Diabetes battle scars. Rotate! Rotate! Rotate! 
There are many new areas that you can inject in that you haven’t thought of probably. Anywhere there is a bit of fat(even on your back), is injection useable. If you have a Partner to help out in places that you cannot reach, even Better. I had just written some places but the post disappeared. Love handles, back of love handles. I hadn’t used my thighs, so I’ve been injecting on the fronts, sides and backs of my thighs. The whole butt. Shoulder pads. Under my rib cage, some of the area below that, etc. Some give shots in their calves and boobs. I can’t bring myself to do that.
Good Luck!
Not a Good idea to inject in your legs if you plan on doing much running, biking, etc. It will probably put you in lows.