I’ve been trying to line up my injection sites 1 inch apart in a horizontal line, then move up an inch and do another line across my belly.
Today I noticed that there’s a firm (swollen?) area under the skin in an injection site I used yesterday. Is this something normal that will go away in a few days if i stay away from it? Or is it something I should be worried about.
That sounds like insulin build up. Is the firm area isolated to yesterdays injection site or does it cover a larger area? Im under the impression that you should alternating sides of your stomach (or even arms, legs etc) as opposed to marching in a line in one area. When I was on MDIs, I used my thighs a lot and ended up with build up. As I recall it was about the size of a 50c piece to a small pancake. I left the site alone for a long while and it eventually went away.
It’s just under yesterday’s injection site. What do you mean by “build up?” I’m sure the insulin doses I took yesterday all went in properly because I didn’t have any unexpected highs yesterday.
yep ive got that also… it really pardon my french sucks… im really trying to get back on the pump the kicker is i have 2 MM pumps the cgm and everything but i didnt go on it… i had boxessss of supplies and like a idiot i threw them out and now could have used them… im such a dummy!!
he means after a while the insulin builds up and creates scar tissue… your best bet is to switch your injection site and see if it goes away
Ok, thanks for the tips guys. I guess worst case scenario I’ll bring it up with my doc in 2 weeks when I go in for a visit, but hopefully if I stay away from it it’ll clear up before then.
yea dont sweat it… i just happens to all of us! and i know its hard to take a injection in a different place when your like me and take like 10 a day… btw it usually happens with my levemir… i give my shot in my right leg only basically cause i have a blood clot in my left and i have to wear a compression stocking and the scar tissues pretty bad i hope this helps and you should talk to your doctor about going on the pump its amazing freedom and control cannot be beat…
I think the site that the swelling is under was from my levemir as well. Would love the pump, but i was 25 and healthy up until a few weeks ago, so i bought the basic “emergencies only” insurance which doesn’t cover any meds or durable equipment. I should be able to get it next year if i upgrade insurance, which you can do in new jersey after getting diagnosed with a chronic disease. Not sure if i’ll be able to get it if i move to the west coast for work, in which case i’d have to buy the state’s “high risk pool” insurance. I wonder if that would cover a pump…
im in ny and disabled… so ive got low income insurance since i recieve ssd… but yea keep the pump in mind though it will help you alot
Im in CA and was on that major risk pool for a while. Its stellar. Well, at least it used to be. In ca its called mrmip and they kick you out to a private provider after 18 months. Then its called a post mrmip graduate product. its still an 85/15 with a 500-1k ded (forget which). Fantastic plan in this day and age.
As for your sites, switch (arm to leg to stomach) each time to avoid build up. However it sounds like you had a reaction as opposed to build up. Build up takes time. I would keep an eye on that one and your next few injection sites. It could be a reaction to Levemir as well. Good luck and welcome to TuD.
Keep us posted on how it goes.
Wow this is a little bit off topic, but you sure are organized in your approach to where you inject! I don’t do anything so organized, even with my fingers, though I rotate sites consistently. I think I’d have to draw a diagram on my body to do it the way you’re doing it, lol! Good for you!
ha, well, the little red dots from my shots from the last day or two act as my map. i saw a video of a lecture from this doctor with type 1 and he said that’s how he does it, so i took the advice.
i know for a fact! i dont follow that rotation rule… id like to but i inject so much its like i just lose track lol
I lose track and I only inject 4x a day! Well, I’m also poking my fingers 4x or more a day. Too many needles, too little time.
I’ve seen those red dots too, so I know where NOT to inject. But they heal pretty fast.
Ok I admit it, I barely keep track of this stuff and winging it is so far working. I work with The Force (as in Star Wars kind). That’s my form of “denial.” Lol! Just try and MAKE me keep track. Grrrrrr.
lol im with yah… i inject 8-12 times a day and check my bg about 10-15 times a day i know its rediculous but what can you do… as a matter of a fact im gonna go check my bg now lol nite!
These arent the injection sites your looking for (waves hand about)…
Hey all, I think it is a problem with the levemir. This morning I woke up with a new swollen spot from where I injected levemir last night, and the spot from 2 days ago is still swollen. Any good alternatives? Not sure if I should even take another shot of levemir tonight, but I guess I don’t have much of a choice.
Could it be a reaction? I take Lantus. Here’s an article debating the difference between the two, but if I were you I’d call the doc:
just called in, waiting to hear back. i also changed to a new pen 2 days ago, so hopefully it’s just a bad pen rather than not being able to use it at all.