I am currently on a Minimed and I have not had any problems with wearing it during an ultrasound. My appointments are usually scheduled in advance so when I know I have an appointment coming up I place the infusion set either on my back or side or on the upper part of my stomach. I try to avoid the lower stomach which is where they do the ultrasounds in the beginning because the baby is in the lower part of your tummy. My first ultrasound was at 12 weeks for the first trimester screening, which I believe is an optional screening for downsyndrome, etc. After that my next one was at 20 weeks and now I go every 3 weeks.
I use the Medtronic Paradigm 522… but my guess is that you won’t be wearing the omnipod low enough to get in the way with an ultrasound initially. Usually the ultrasound wand is used is quite low on the stomach (below the belly button) until the baby is larger. Later in the pregnancy, you could put the omnipod on the side of your stomach or in another location if you know an ultrasound is planned. Or talk to your doctor to see if it’s even an issue. Those great ultrasound techs may be able to work around it without a problem.
I think my first ultrasound was at about 7-8 weeks but I can’t remember for sure.
Best of luck with the pump and pregnancy!
I wore my pump mostly on my butt or back during ultrasounds. And I had ultrasounds at (I think) 6, 9, 13, 18, 22, 26, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 weeks. The first was with the fertility doc though. My OB didn’t want to see me until week 9 or 10.
I wear the Omnipod and I think at my first apt. I forgot to switch the place of the pod and it was on my stomach. That didn’t matter for the first one though, they did it trans vaginally at 8 weeks and it was with my OB to confirm the pregnancy. I have had it on my upper torso for a few of the ultrasounds and it didn’t bother anything. I am currently 18 weeks and will probably abandon the stomach site soon. I get an ultrasound every 4 weeks with the HR OB.