Hi all,
I am getting ready to try for Baby #2 and considering pump therapy at my doctor’s suggestion in order to better manage my diabetes during pregnancy (diagnosed Type 1 in May, did not have diabetes for pregnancy #1).
I would love to hear from those of you who used the Omnipod during pregnancy? What was great? What were the drawbacks?
I am currently in my honeymoon phase and only taking about 8-10 units of insulin a day total. I’m new to diabetes, so any and all information you can provide will be SO helpful!
You will be able to correct and keep your numbers so much better using a pump. My son uses Omnipod and he loves it. Good luck w/ everything!
I used the Omnipod throughout my pregnancy (started it 15 days before getting pregnant!) and my daughter is 7 months old now. I’m no stranger to pumping though (pumped for 9 years prior to that). The only drawback to the Omnipod during pregnancy is that you will need SO MUCH insulin in the final trimester and the Omnipod holds only 200 units and cannot be refilled or restarted. I was using 150 units a day some days and burning through a single pod in 30 hours instead of the 80 it is designed to last. So I recommend getting your Rx changed early on to change every 2 days (even though you won’t be changing that often) so that you have a huge stockpile for later on. I didn’t get my Rx changed until too late and had to go back to a different pump for 6 weeks to keep from running out of my pods. But I did wear the pod throughout my c-section and weeklong hospital stay, too. I highly recommend the system as long as you can adjust for the insulin needs toward the end of pregnancy.
Hey there!
I currently use Omnipod and delivered my precious bundle 4 weeks ago. I went on the Omnipod when we started trying for a baby. It was great. I think any pump will help tremendously in pregnancy. My only drawback was that once my belly was pretty big around 6.5-7 mos. I could no longer use my stomach as a site b/c of the size of the pod. But I did use my back, lower back and legs quite a bit.
My insulin needs did not spike sky high during the 3rd trimester and I was able to keep rotating every 3 days. I think my total daily insulin didn’t go above 60 units a day and I was not eating a “low carb” diet.
It continues to be true that every diabetic is different.