Insulin types for pumping

Does anyone here pump something other than humalog or novolog? I have used both and they work pretty much the same for me. However I’ve read about some other fast acting insulins and wonder if there might be a benefit to switch

The other one i know of is apidra. i’m using apidra on the medtronic pump. I get a lot of occlusions but I don’t think its the insulin but my site because for a good 4 years, I used apidra with no issues and then occlusions started. I read that if you are using the tandem tslim, apirdras are prone to occlusions. I’m going on the tslim soon, so will have to switch to the novolog or humalog.

I still pump with FiASP, however it does cause line occlusions more often than Humalog, and often isn’t worth the added benefits.

I prefer FiASP over Humalog for 3 reasons:

  1. Quicker onset (< 12 minutes)
  2. More predictable uptake (50% over 1st hour)
  3. Shorter tail (3 hours)

If I have Humalog onboard my pump I’ll often inject FiASP for meal boluses

Both Humalog and FiASP are the same price in Canada: $36 CA

I think any benefit is likely a personal one. The three main rapid acting analog insulins, Apidra, Novolog, and Humalog all have similar performance characteristics. But performance can vary from person to person. For me, if I use Novolog in a pump, I experience raised red “pump bumps” at the infusion site. This allergic reaction removes that insulin from my use. I’ve also read credible accounts where people have much better performance of one of these insulins over another.

I use Apidra in an old Medtronic 722 pump and experience no occlusions. I change my infusion site every three days but use the cartridge and tubing for about ten days. I’ve been doing this for almost four years now and my insulin delivery has been without flaw. I know some pump manufacturers warn people to not use Apidra or limit its use to 48 hours but my experience does not align with those cautions.

I used Animas Ping pumps with Apidra for eight years and I would get occlusion alarms at times. What I learned is that these alarms arose whenever I failed to torque down the insulin cartridge enclosure nut well enough. If it was the least bit loose, I’d get an occlusion alarm. I remember these well since the Ping required a complete rewind in order to continue to use that cartridge. (Funny how the human memory is sharpened when there’s any emotion involved; these events irritated me!)

I don’t know all the design particulars but I think many occlusion detection systems use highly sensitive pressure sensors to detect an insulin occlusion. I remember reading many accounts of Tandem pump users in the past complaining about occlusion alarms. I believe most of these alarms were false but a nuisance nonetheless.

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I switched from Novalog to Fiasp in my 670g about a year ago and feel Fiasp acts more quickly than Novalog. Perhaps two no delivery alarms During the year since I Changed over.

I had an animals pump. The one before the ping. I would need to tighten it so much it would develops cracks in the housing. I wen through 6 pumps in that warrantee period. So I switched to Medtronic. I remember the animals pump didn’t need a full rewind like the Medtronic does. It would also prime so fast it was crazy. I get occlusion problems when the cannula would touch muscle. That why I use the silhouette and will use a similar thinly colored h n I start tandem. The needles are long and put on an angle and I don’t get the occlusions since I started them. If you are slim I think it works better. I got a little bit of belly now I could prob switch but there is no reason to. I also insert them manually.

I’ve used Humalog, Novolog and Fiasp. I think I may have used Humalin when I first started pumping, but my memory of those days is foggy.

I prefer Fiasp because of the faster adsorption. But I have problems with it losing effectiveness occasionally when my Tandem reservoir volume drops below approximately 50u. That problem disappears if I dilute with 25% Humalog. I have high hopes Lilly’s new competitor will work without issue. I should have a script from my endo later this week. Looking forward to trying it.

I’m currently on Humalog, but have used Novalog in the past and don’t notice any difference. I did use Apidra for a couple of years, but it started having occlusions and I went back to Humalog. I don’t know why Apidra was fine for a long time, and then it wasn’t. All of this was with Medtronic pumps.

I use Fiasp with my OmniPod. I switched from Humalog when Fiasp came on the market two(?) years ago. I started pumping Fiasp before it was approved for pumps.

For me definitely not 48 hours on the medtronic pumps with Apidra. I have it in my reservoir until I finish all 300units (around 4days) and its fine. Same effectiveness.

I don’t know with the tslim, it has a plastic bag cartridge.

I’ve used Novolog and FIASP. FIASP does give an occasional occlusion alarm (less than once a month). Old reservoir and new infusion set takes care of the majority of occlusions.

I love FIASP for the same reasons as Jim: pre-bolus 20-30 minutes (45 minutes wasn’t enough with Novolog), more predictable and shorter tail. FIASP dropped both my HbA1C and frequency/severity/duration of hypo episodes, so FIASP has been more than worthwhile.

Idiots with insurance moved FIASP from Tier 3 to completely excluded, claiming there is little/no clinically significant benefit. As if BGs in 30s and 40s, neuropathy/retinopathy are insignificant. While I’m on the subject, with current technology HbA1C is not a suitable metric for studies. High and lows don’t cancel out in damage and complications, unlike with HbA1C. I go onto medicare next year so (hopefully), I’ll only need to order one batch of insulin from Canada.

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I used Fiasp for a while but got so many occlusion alarms, I stopped pumping all together (not realizing it was the insulin and not the pump).

Now I use Humalog on the pump and sometimes will inject Fiasp if I need something quick.

Have the same issue as William that insurance wont cover my Fiasp really so I need to use it sparingly. When you only use it for boluses, a little insulin can go a long way.

My insurance co would pay for humalog. But only novolog but I liked humalog better cause it was slightly faster.
My doctor sent a letter. Yes a real letter to the insurance company Saying my control is better on humalog,and they approved it. Now my insurer pays for both, but maybe something like that could work for you with Fiasp.

For me, novolog seems to work faster and more predictable, and my insurance switched to humalog !! But using a savings cash card now, that is lowest cost and get novolog again.