Insulins and weight

Hi !

I noticed one some other forum someone saying that when he/she started with Humalog, his/hers weight changed drastically. I want to know if someone else here has noticed this. Did it get better when using another insulin? I hope to go on pump soon and I am deciding if I should change insulin… Some of my friends on pump, have changed their insulin… (not because of weight). Since I have gained better control of my diabetes (last 6 months, I have gained weight (about 6 kg, but my HbA1c went from around 9 to 7.4). I was told that better self-control “produces” weight gain, but so far I always thought that this goes for all types of insulin, but now after reading that other forum I am in doubt about that. So any info on that will be welcome.

Take care,

Its a vicious cycle; insulin makes you hungry - you eat, you gain weight, you need more insulin. I was involved in a clinical research trial for inhaled insulin and I lost weight like crazy while I was taking it. Unfortunately it required ALOT of insulin and the delivery method made it so impractical to take that much. Once I went back on injected humalog/lantus I gained most of the weight back. I don’t think it ever made it to market.
High blood sugars do make you lose weight (via ketoacidosis) which is SOOOO BAD AND UNHEALTHY!!! Best to try to stay within normal ranges and fight the urge to eat. Exercise consistently, stick with healthy diet (veggies, high fiber fruit, whole grains) just like anyone else trying to lose weight.

I take Lantus a 160 units a day. I also take Novolog R and Byetta. I have been gaining weight like you wouldn’t believe. I have gained on every insulin but nothing like when I went on Lantus. I don’t know if it is the med. or the amount of the med. but I can’t get the weight back off. I feel kinda desperate to get the weight off.

Hi !

Talk to your doctor about changing insulin… It might help. Levemir is known to help you lose weight (or at least not gain it)… As for amount, it is quite big… I have diabetes for 17 years now, and I am still on around the same amount I started (38), it was smaller before, but now its at its highest… Maybe there is some underlaying problem which causes you to take so much insulin.

Take care

BTW. How much Novolog R do you take a day?

Hi ;

I just switched from Lantus to Levemir and I hope that it will make me loose some weight beside improving my BG & HBA1C.

I am now injecting 10 Units / 10 Units morning & evenings.
I am planing to switch from Humalog to Apidra… does anyone know something about that ?

I totally agree that insulin makes you gain weight ; maybe not immediately but for sure over long term.

I am eating like a rabit going to the gym 6 days per week and cant loose my 10 kgs!

I am really frustrated.

May someone finally come up with some new invention!


Try to find out something about APIDRA insulin ; they say it is much better than Humalog …

Hi !

I switched both. Lantus to Levemir, and Humalog to Apidra… I have no problems with any of them… as for lossing weight… none so far, but I didn’t expect to happen so soon. I gained weight in 6 months, so it will take at least 12 to get it down…


My endo was telling me about control and weight loss: basically, the calories burned > calories consumed theory of weight loss still remains, but with tighter control and proper insulin therapy, diabetics will “keep” all of the calories they consume, rather than pee calories out when your BG runs high.

Meaning, that when you get hungry due to the insulin, or when you’re correcting lows, it’s probably better to chew on glucose tabs (15 calories a piece) rather than peanut butter crackers, juice, etc.

Better self control doesn’t necessarily = weight gain, If you eat well and balance at least 30 minutes of exercise everyday that will give you self control without the insulin gain. However weight gain usually comes with the control of taking too much insulin. say you are not exercising and just taking insulin to cover food, then you gain weight. If we balance our recommended dose of insulin with good food and exercise we will not have to take as much insulin, therefor you will have good control

I do not yet know about Humalog, I just got put on it yesterday … I’ve already gained 8 pounds since I was put on the Lantus almost a year ago … 8 pounds I couldn’t afford to gain, despide my working out deal and healthy eating, the idea that i might put on more weight is a nightmare, I already have PCOS which makes getting the weight off a b and a half, but now i hear that just being on insulin might increase my weight? grrrrz, i’m trying to get my weight down not put it on.

Yes ;
the more insulin & carbs ; the more you gain.( Insulin = Fat Building Hormone ; converts carbs into Fat!!)
Your target is : The Lower carbs (45 / day ) + the lower insulin = you loose weight
Please read Dr. Bernstein Diabetes Solution about the low carb diet for diabetics…
He is a real guru for all diabetics…
Another thing : Instead of Humalog try Apidra
Instead of Lantus ; try Levemir

Yes ;
the more insulin & carbs ; the more you gain.( Insulin = Fat Building Hormone ; converts carbs into Fat!!)
Your target is : The Lower carbs (45 / day ) + the lower insulin = you loose weight
Please read Dr. Bernstein Diabetes Solution about the low carb diet for diabetics…
He is a real guru for all diabetics…
Another thing : Instead of Humalog try Apidra
Instead of Lantus ; try Levemir

Must Read : Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution… the concept is wrong…
You need to lower your carbs ( not more than 45 per day ). Like this you will lower your insulin consumption.
Insulin is a Fat Building Hormone ; which converts carbs into Fat.
The less carbs you eat ; the less insulin you need. and the more you loose weight & achieve better BS.
Exercise is a must for everyone.

that seems like a lot of insulin a day. but don’t rush to blame urself for taking in too many carbs. my brother and I, type 1’s, have a high resistance to insulin which causes us to use more. kind of like type 2. you might wanna talk to ur doctor about it, but also, exercise will help reduce the insulin u need to take. which should help with weight. me and my dr. are working on a plan so i can use less insulin too.

it’s funny, cuz i know that this is true but when your sugar is low I feel so overcome with hunger it’s like you can’t think straight. I struggle with trying not to eat the whole kitchen! and then i rebound. tablets are so sweet it feels gross to me to eat like more than two. i was in the hospital once and they made me eat the pure glucose gel and it was so disgusting! ok, i’ve vented now. good discussion!