Do any of you have trouble with your insurance carrier not wanting to cover/supply the test strips because they are more expensive than others on the market? We have United for Medical, and they now use OptumRX for scripts, which is HORRIBLE. It's a fight every month
I've had this and the doc will get me the OneTouch strips, which I like b/c the UltraMini fits in my running shorts. The accuracy chart I saw here recently didn't even list them and seemed to think another brand was the "most accurate" so I'm sort of contemplating switching as, except on nutso long runs, I don't lug a meter along.
I use the Omnipod and didn't think other test strips worked with them. Are there other strips that do?
Shortly after my insurance co. approved my Animas Ping, they decided that they no longer would approve the OneTouch strips that work with my Meter remote that came with my pump. So every 90 days for the past year I have to get my doctor to submit a "prior approval" in order to get my strips.
I'm T2 so I supposedly only need to test once a day. My last insurance co would give me 100 strips every 90 days. I haven't tried with my current insurance because I ended up being given about 500 strips from someone who had them covered by insurance then changed meters. I use a super cheap meter and the strips are only like $25 or $30 per 100. Mine is a True Result. My daughter uses one she got at Target and the strips are $35 for 100.