Intense monitoring

Hello everyone,

I'm officially double high risk due to the Type 1 and being 38 years old.
I do see my endo every two weeks (send my logs twice a week), and have been seeying my obgyin and maternal fetal specialist each every two weeks as well.

I've just been told that starting at 32 weeks (one more to go!) I need to go in biweekly for non-stress monitoring and not sure what else (ultrasounds I think). I'm glad they are following me closely, but everything has been going great so I'm wondering if this is routine procedure for most of you here or is it just the practice where I'm going?


It's routine. I've been a type one for 39 years and had my first child at 24. The only difference is that I didn't see a maternal fetal person 16 years ago. I did still have non stress tests and extra ultrasounds only in the regular ob's office. I'll be turning 41 in 2 months and just had my second child in December. Everything you're describing is right on including the maternal fetal visits this time for me. The ultrasounds you'll probably be receiving this late in the game are most likely biophysical profiles where they check for fluid levels,baby's size, and checking the placenta function plus 5 other things I can't remember right off hand. At least that's what they did in my case. Blessings and congrats to you

Yep, this sounds about right to me! It was intense, but near the end, there is not much else you can think about and it was often reassuring to know that the little one is being monitored. (Though I DID get sick of going ALL the time!!)

Yep. And when I hit 36 weeks I had to see the perinatologist twice a week :)

Thanks! Congratulations on your second child as well!

Yes - I'm sure I'll feel like I'm leaving at the doctor's office, but I guess it's a good thing that they are checking us so closely.

I better get used to it then, thanks!

Hi there! I'm also experiencing the same type of monitoring and am 29. It's my first pregnancy, I'm a Type 1 plus a few other auto-immune issues. I'm finding myself at the lab/faxing the Endo/or OBGYN's every other week (2x a month). It's a lot but when I go more than 2 weeks (due to travel) I find myself getting anxious about the pregnancy and asking if everything is going ok. At least we're hyper aware! :)