Hi! I just wanted to see if anyone else out there has been through the ringer with the non-stress-testing of the baby at the doctors. So far I've gone three times (as I'm just starting my 8th month of pregnancy) and all three times my baby has failed to do what they are looking for - resulting in a normal ultrasound. I will add that during the ultrasound they can see that the baby is totally healthy. I've been a well controlled diabetic for 27 years and so far in the pregnancy (my first) everything is going really well.
I just feel like I'm spending a lot of time being hooked up to a heart monitor and then inevitably ending up having an ultrasound anyway. If anyone had any thoughts on this, I'd love to hear it.
Thanks so much! Hope you're all feeling good today!
Yes its pretty standard monitoring for a type 1 diabetic. Even 18 years ago. Towards the end I was in the doctors office EVERY week and every week the results were all fine. I know it can seem like overkill, esp when everything is going well. But that's just it you want to catch things very quickly if things should change. It's only for a few more weeks. And then you will have a nice healthy baby.
Hi Rose! Congrats on your pregnancy! My first is 15 months old and I am currently 19 weeks with #2. My perinatologist doesn't do NST's, he just does the full scan each time. He told me that the NSTs usually end up in a scan anyway (like you said) and it's easier, faster, and gives more info to do a full bio-scan each time. Hang in there - just a few weeks left!
I'll be interested to see the answers to this - I've also had T1 for 27 years and am pregnant! You're farther along than I am, though - 26 weeks, here. :) Best of luck to you!
Thanks, ladies! It's good to know that I'm not alone and I do feel like we're going to be doing the full scan every time anyway! I am hoping they just start to schedule me that way so that other patients don't have to wait while I have an unscheduled turn with the ultrasound. It is nice to have the knowledge that the baby is staying healthy during this last few weeks. I've been extremely blessed to have limited issues throughout the pregnancy and I'd love for it to stay that way!
Congrats on your pregnancies as well! Thanks again!
I have had diabetes for 26 years and have four beautiful daughters. It was a ton of work when I was pregnant, but of course it was worth it. As far as the NST testing goes, it was a huge pain for me. I never had them with my first, a couple with my second and every week towards the end with #3 and then TWICE a week for the last 10 weeks with my fourth. It was a 45 minute drive and I had three other children! So I told my doctor I wasn't going to do that unless he could convince me of the need for twice a week testing. Not only did he NOT give me a good reason, he agreed with me that it was too much, but not to repeat it to his colleagues! Mind you this was my fourth, I kind of knew what was going on. :-) I did it once a week and called it good. NOt giving you any advice, just telling of my experience. I have been really blessed in my pregnancies. God bless!
This is very inspiring to read! I have been working hard at getting my A1C's low enough to get the OK from my doc to begin trying to get pregnant, and sometimes feel like it will never happen. I'm glad to see it's possible :)
I was scared to death to get pregnant. But when the time came I was 30 and had diabetes for 17 years and like most people who are diagnosed early in life, didn't have the best history of being in control. I worked hard to get my A1C's in control and did it. My doctors were all incredible, which is key. Diabetics have babies all the time. Just do the best with what you can control and let go of the rest. Listen to your gut and get a lot of support. It really is a ton of work and I sooooo wish I had my Dexcom when I was going through it all. Oh well. My fingers are all the more tough!! :-) Being a mom is so worth anything you have to go through.
Hi Everyone! I haven't logged in for a while, but I wanted to update everyone that on June 4th I delivered a healthy baby girl (5 weeks early)! I was diagnosed with preeclampsia and had to be induced. Although my blood sugars had a rough time with the steroids (300+ for two days), everything went fairly smoothly and my baby was only in the NICU for 6 days. She's doing great and growing like a champ now! Hope you are all doing well.