Is Bikram Yoga compatible with our technology(ies)?

Was asked (at a different site), whether "Hot Yoga" aka Bikram Yoga was compatible with diabetic technology(ies), whether CGM's, pumps, or even using our meters...

If the environment is 105 degrees Fahrenheit (c. 40.6 Celsius) and humidity in the neighborhood of 40 percent.

Would such environment(s) harm our assorted technology?

drink lots of water and don't stay in there too long...insulin can fry.

stuart..I did the bikram for about 9months with no problem, but then I started having some problems with the humidity getting inside my pump..the moisture got inside, and I had to place my pump inside some rice bag to get the moisture out..the insulin itself never had any problems for the 90min.. but it is not worth bringing the pump into class.. I did bring my dexcom in a couple of times, but the beeps and noises, were not liked by the instructors so I just stopped bringing it in, the dex was not effected by the humidity, but I usually had the dex in the zipper case.. you might be able to wrap your pump insome plastic bag, if you have to have it on you

Hi Stewart. I've been doing hot yoga wearing a CGM for several years. I have never experienced a problem, other than the annoyance of sweat causing the Flexfix tape to peel off more quickly. When that happens, I tape the peeling tape. I usually wear it on my upper arm and it stays put for about 2 weeks.

lisa c, I do a 60 minute class and because my insulin requirements are so small, I can leave my pump home.

jm, I always bring my CGM to keeps me safe! I keep it right next to me and don't give a damn if it goes low and beeps once in awhile.

Ancient response (apologies for my tardiness).

Being part "Wookie" -lol- tape staying/sticking in any way was a severe issue. Would get ripped off several times a class, no matter how much IV prep, tape, skin prep, what site I used... was madness.

Thanks for taking part, still attending the Hot Yoga?