It has been 1 year - January 19th

January 19, 2010 is the 1 year anniversary of my 7 year old daughter, Jaylin’s, Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis. One year since we were told to rush to the children’s hospital by a doctor who was not our daughter’s pediatrician, but who I credit with possibly saving Jaylin’s life when she kept getting misdiagnosed and when no one else would listen. She listened to the concerns of Jaylin’s aunt, who works in her office…she called us and said to bring her in immediately to be tested…and sent us for the care we needed before Jaylin required ICU. The same doctor who, we later found out, cried after we left the office because the last 2 children she had seen with Jaylin’s levels were in comas. She couldn’t believe that Jaylin was coherent, much less functioning. I remember the shock and the fear of the unknown, the blur of 3 days in the hospital where wonderfully knowledgable doctors, instructors, nurses and staff attempted to teach my husband and me how to take care of our daughter. Where doctors explained that my perfect daughter had a condition where her own body was attacking her pancreas so she could no longer produce insulin and now we had to provide that for her. We learned how to check her blood glucose levels, how to give shots, how to count carbs and feed her…just an overwhelming change for all of us. I remember how small she looked in the hospital bed and how helpless I felt to help my child. Just to be able to take this burden from her and bear it myself, I would have done it in an instant and still would. Jaylin was amazing and never cried through any of it, the shots, the finger pricks, the process of being what I called a human pin cushion while her parents learned to care for her. Those first few days home where the hospital staff felt we were ready to care for her on our own, but I wasn’t so sure. The endless lack of sleep because of checking her blood glucose levels in the middle of the night to be sure she was not going too low or high. Jaylin did not show symptoms of highs or lows at this point and still doesn’t. She can be in the 40’s or in the 400’s and there is no outward change in her demeanor…very frustrating. I just remember thinking…if we can make it one week, one month, 6 months…everything will get easier.
A year later…I see how far Jaylin has come with her health. I actually have my healthy daughter back after seeing her be so sick. We have transitioned from shots to an insulin pump. It is a challenge and there will always be things that are a challenge. While we won’t always be responsible for Jaylin, she will always deal with her diabetes. As she grows she will be totally responsible for her own health without Mommy and Daddy checking her sugar and counting her carbs. I can only hope that we can instill in her the importance of taking care of herself…a very large task when a 7 year old wants that chocolate and is willing to go to secret military tactics to acquire it. I know that we will face more challenges as Jaylin grows, but looking back at this past year, I see how far that God has brought us, and I know that He will continue to see us through.

Congratulations to Jaylin AND Mommy and Daddy on overcoming great challenges in the last year!

It’s good to celebrate every year that she is living and growing! And good to remember… Hope that you mark the day with something fun and can enjoy it more than you could a year ago!

Here’s to a great year ahead! Keep it up Jaylin… you’re one of our heroes!!!

Wow, you could have written our story. My 13 year old daughter’s (Sydney) one year “anniversary” is tomorrow. Every day is a struggle, but every day is also a blessing. Keep up the good fight!