Just Looking For People To Relate To

I am the only one in my family to have Diabetes so no one can relate to me at home. So just want to know who else feels like this? I have a few other simple questions …

  1. How do you deal with being the only one?
  2. Any good work out plans anyone has?
  3. What pump are you on and why do you like it?
  4. If you are a Cleveland Brown’s fan what are we going to be like this year?
  5. What do you consider a High BS

Feel Free to go to my page and add me … Im NEW here so I would like some people to talk to every now and then.

just a quick answer to #1: check out this discussion we had called “are you the chosen 1
we’re here for you, Michael!

1. How do you deal with being the only one? (I am the only one except for a VERY distant cousin that I do not even know! Other than this site, I do not personally know anyother Type 1s) I’m not quite sure how I handle it! My family does support me big time, and are there for me. But it kinda sucks having no one who knows exactly what you’re going through. That’s why I love this site so much. It has helped me through alot. I’m not too sure I would be able to handle some things without the knowledge and support of my online D community! I see you are pretty new to all this, and that probably makes it a little more difficult. No worries, there are plenty of brains to pick here, and a range of experience!
2. Any good work out plans anyone has?I cater to my needs here. I pretty much try to exercise 45 minutes more or less everyday. I vary what I do so I don’t get bored. Right now I’m doing eliptical and Wii Fit. Got to love the wii!!!
3. What pump are you on and why do you like it?I’m on the Omnipod and absolutely love it! This is my first pump, so I have nothing to compare it to. But I am so happy I chose it, mainly b/c of the no tubing and it it 100% waterproof. No disconnecting required. The pump has helped me gain so much better control b/c of the flexibility and fact that I actual care how much insulin I’m taking. Overall, my diabetes control is 110% better than before I was on the Omnipod.
4. If you are a Cleveland Brown’s fan what are we going to be like this year?I love to play sports, but I’m not really into the whole watching thing!
5. What do you consider a High BS?My range is 80-180. Anything above 130 I do a correction for. I consider 180+ to be high. And my body fully agrees with me =)

Thanks for all your little tips … yeah Wii Fit is amazing … when I go home next I have to pick it up from my dads. Well all in all it has been a long first year and it is just good to get some feed back from people who know what I am talking about not the people who give me “I can understand that” because no they really cant. i am glad they try to make me feel better but sometimes its just not enough. Well I will add you the second after I send this … only because I cant do it at the same time … I am not that skilled. … look forward to hearing from you.

Do you have Mario Kart Wii?
Because if you do and you have online … Bring It!!! lol
I’ll have to get back to you on my Mii if so

Thanks Again
Micahel :slight_smile:

The only wii ‘games’ i have are the Fit & the basic game disc that came with it. Haven’t really gotten into the games. I do like racing though =) So maybe sometime I will have to give in and get that!

1. How do you deal with being the only one? Well, I am the only one with Type 1 in my family too. It’s a good thing, and a sucky thing at the same time, ya know. I’m glad no one else in my family has to go through it, but then again it stinks that they don’t understand how I’m feeling sometimes. I guess the way I deal with it best is by just not letting it get me down. There are 15 other students with diabetes in my high school, including one of my best friends, so thats pretty cool. We all talk a lot, and are in the process of getting a movie going about a day in the life with type 1 diabetes…should be pretty cool. So I guess my answer is- Support from other type 1’s in school, and on the web at places like TuDiabetes and Childrenwithdiabetes.com
2. Any good work out plans anyone has? I try to run or bike for an hour 3-5 times a week, but I’ve been slacking. My sister and my mom and I just joined a gym though, so I’m hoping I can get back on track soon!
3. What pump are you on and why do you like it? Haha, umm, this is an interesting question for me…I have been on the MM 722, Cozmo 1800, and OmniPod. I think they’re all great in their own ways, and either one is a great choice. I’ve never used an Animas before, but I did a trial on the 2020 a while back and thought it was pretty awesome.
4. If you are a Cleveland Brown’s fan what are we going to be like this year? Sorry…I’m no good with sports, lol.
5. What do you consider a High BS Well, my target is 100, and my range is 100-120 +/- 20points (so 80-140). I consider anything over 180 kinda high. I like to be under 140. My favorite blood sugar is 88 though! ^-^

Thanks for answering me :slight_smile: … I am glad you have friends you can talk to about it. Well a video would be cool … maybe you could upload it on here (idea only). If you have anything to ask me feel free to comment me or on my page. Well Have a good one.

Michael :slight_smile:

Hey Michael,

Welcome! You’ve come to the right place & glad you’re here. We all know what you’re dealing with & we help each other.

  1. I’m the only one. Don’t know if this is an answer, but I spend a lot of time educating my friends & family. So many myths & misconceptions & nonsense floating around about diabetes. Sometimes it does feel really lonely being the only one. No one can truly relate to my fears, worries or know what it feels like to have high/lows & what a pain it is to deal with constantly.

  2. I’m Type 1 also. Can’t work out like I did before being diagnosed because it sends my BG high & then crashing. I do some weights, moderate stuff & a lot of walking.

  3. Not on the pump. Don’t mind injections.

  4. My target BG is 90, set by my endo. I correct for anything over 130. If we’re at 140 & over consistently, that’s when damage occurs.

  5. Go, Brownies! My husband’s from OH & a huge fan.

1]only being diabetic for a month, it hasn’t really hit me yet i guess. but i try not to think about it so much. just have to take shots before i eat…that’s how i think about it. [or that’s how i would explain it to someone]
2]uhhh im not the one to be asking about working out! lol
3]not on a pump yet, want one asap tho!
4]idk? o_0
5]anywhere around 200 i get a little nervous

Well thanks for the imput if you ever need somone to talk to feel free to message me or just wanna say “hi” … I always check this place all the time… well have a great night but its 2:30 here and i need my sleep.

:slight_smile: Michael

So what you think? I got lazy and its a temp. tat idea. ... I really do have to work on my numbers.


well, been D since I was 7… only that was in 1970…

I’m old, cranky and more than willing to chat with ya anytime

I use a Minimed 720, I like it because it is my first

Are the Browns going to be better than the Chiefs?

I’ve had so much trouble with sugars the last 3 or 4 years, I used to think 400 was trouble… now I worry when I get anything close to 250 more for more than an hour or two… but then I have only been pumping for a few months